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Her Campus Bentley Halloween Baby Pictures

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Kathryn Burgner

Class of 2013

Costume: Cowgirl



Olivia LeClair

Class of 2014

Costume: Tinkerbell

“My family went to Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party at Disney World and it was pure magic. Peter Pan ran by me during the parade and said, “Hi Tink!” I really thought that he thought I was Tinkerbell!”



Jessica Jacovino

Class of 2014

Costume: Sorceress

“I’ve always loved Halloween because every year I would get to see my cousins and we would trick or treat together. Then afterwards we would go back to their house, have pizza and eat lots of candy together. It was always so much fun!”


Alison Smith

Class of 2013

Costume: Posh Spice (on the left)

“Spice Girls, girl power, and the 90’s!”



Jill Bouchard  

Class of 2012

Costume: Cat

“I love Halloween because it’s the one holiday where all of my favorite things in the world are combined: dressing up, eating candy (in mass amounts), and having an excuse to watch scary movies all day.”



Krista Hakala

Class of 2014

Costume: Princess

“I was a princess for Halloween that year and my mom was the queen. Some things never change! We always did mother-daughter costumes when I was growing up. Needless to say, I love my Mom but I’m glad we don’t coordinate now that I’m in college!”


Shivani Pandya

Class of 2015

Costume: Dancer

“I used to dance around and sing “I’m a bionic baby” whenever I wore this costume!”



Nupur Bhandari

Class of 2013

Costume: A Clown Sidekick (My older brother was also a clown)

“I loved going trick or treating with my brother and all of our friends. We always went with a huge group and afterwards we would all go back to one person’s house and trade our candy with each other.”



Stephanie Hazelton

Class of 2014

Costume: Clown

“In this picture I’m eating my first ever lollipop- a blue tootsie pop! This was the beginning of my love for candy.”


Rachel Slutsky

Class of 2013

Costume: Princess                        

“My favorite part of Halloween, then and now, is candy and scandalous costumes!”



Jenna Van Dam

Class of 2013

Costume: Snow White

“I was such a girly girl as a child, so this costume fit perfectly!”



Jenna Amato

Class of 2016

Costume: Baby Bop from Barney

“I love my expression because it shows how excited I was for it to be Halloween and go trick or treating! My younger brother dressed up as Barney. It was so cute!”


Marina Russo

Class of 2016

Costume: Devil

“When I was two my mom dressed me as a devil but I’d like to argue I’m more of an angel. My favorite part of Halloween is coming up with creative costumes from clothes I already own”



Sam Jutras

Class of 2016

Costume: Dorothy

“In preschool, my friend and I dressed up as Dorothy and the Scarecrow. We have lots of funny pictures of us doing activities at our class Halloween party. In this picture, my friend and I are trying so hard in the donut eating contest, and the kid next to us is blatantly cheating! Too cute!”


Jessica is a senior at Bentley University majoring in Marketing and minoring in Computer Science. She is the co-president and editor-in-chief of the Her Campus Bentley branch and loves anything and everything Her Campus! In her spare time she enjoys reading and writing about pretty much everything.
Bentley University