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Gone Girl: A Must Read

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

I recently finished the novel Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn, and was left completely shocked by the depth of the characters and the twist half way through the novel. For those of you who have yet to indulge in the mystery thriller, you are truly missing out. This book not only leaves you on the edge of your seat but will also force you to sit in bed and read for four hours straight, not saying I did that or anything (OK, I did). Nick Dunne, the handsome lady-killer, possibly, seems to be in a situation when his wife disappears and all evidence points to him. The media, the police, and even his in-laws turn against him. Nick must find a way to redeem his image and prove his innocence.

Amy Elliot Dunne is a beautiful blonde who captures everyone she meets. Women idolize her, while men fantasize. But where is she?

Gillian Flynn has created a masterpiece with Gone Girl. She has unleashed a different kind of text that leaves the readers questioning what’s true and what’s not after each chapter. The plot line deepens with each page turn and allows the reader in on a little more of the secret as they continue on in the novel. The reader follows Nick on the hunt for his wife and through flashbacks that explain Amy and Nick’s relationship, the good and bad. I was intrigued by the use of a diary to explain the past because it creates a different type of tone for the readers. Gone Girl is a must read with thrillers after each chapter.

Pick up Gone Girl at your local bookstore today or hit the movie theatres to watch the just released motion picture, Gone Girl.