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FourSquare: Isn’t that the Stalker’s Dream?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

Not exactly.

Before joining FourSquare, many people think that the whole concept is just creepy – “Why would I want people to know where I am?” Surprisingly enough, many FourSquare users don’t care about knowing where you are at every point of the day. On my iPhone, I turned off the notifications from FourSquare so I don’t see anyone’s check-ins – I know a lot of other people do this too. It is not necessary to see all of your friends’ check-ins, but it is fun to randomly see where your friends have checked-in to. The positives definitely outweigh the negatives – here are some answers about privacy:

  • If you are not friends with the person, he or she cannot see your check-in! (You can uncheck the box that says “Include me in the public list of people who are currently checked in at a venue.”)
  • Your phone does not automatically check you in – all of your check-ins are voluntary and you may even do a “locked” check-in, which does not allow ANY of your friends to see the check-in either.

If this information makes you feel more comfortable, read on to see the best parts of FourSquare:

Tips: For each place on FourSquare, there are options to make tips! When I was checking-in to Starbucks at Boston University a few months back, I received a tip that told me to get cash at the ATM next door because this location didn’t accept credit cards. This was the first time I realized how helpful tips were.

Check-in Specials: Over the summer, I checked-in to a restaurant on Newbury Street. There was a check-in special here, giving me a free smoothie! Lots of restaurants and stores have check-in specials now – random freebies can be very exciting!

Mayorships: If you check-in frequently to the same place, you may end up becoming the “Mayor!” This is a “public office,” which means that if someone you are not friends with checks-in, he or she will see that you are the mayor. There are often pretend “fights” to become mayor – for example, Collins Hall has over 3,000 check-ins. Stealing the mayorship of this building can be very difficult, since so many people check-in to it.

Connecting with Friends: It is interesting to see where people check-in – perhaps it’s a new restaurant, or a cute boutique near your school! Last semester, my friend Katie decided to get FourSquare. One day, I saw her check-in at the library. I was also in the library and in need of a coffee break, so we decided to meet up in Einstein’s. It’s pretty cool to meet up with people this way.
I hope this article has changed your mind about FourSquare, or has at least helped you see some positive aspects. It is a fun social media tool/game to play with your friends – think of how many mayorship positions you can get at your favorite locations!

Kathryn Burgner is a member of the class of 2013 at Bentley University and is majoring in Information Design & Corporate Communications, with minors in Marketing and Gender Studies. Kathryn is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and be the founder of Her Campus Bentley! Kathryn loves going to school near Boston, but she also loves her hometown of Dalton, MA, where she grew up in the Berkshires on a turkey farm. Kathryn loves singing, acting, dancing ballet, baking, & playing volleyball, and is interested in gender issues, fashion, and health & fitness. She is a founding member of the Masters of Bentley Acappella (MBAs) and enjoys being involved with the Women's Center at Bentley, Alpha Psi Omega Honorary Theatre Society, and Resident Assistance at Bentley. Kathryn aspires to work as an editor, social media professional, or marketing design professional in Boston, MA after her experiences at Bentley! Kathryn would like to thank her family and friends for their love and support towards all of her experiences and dreams.