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7 Life Hacks Guaranteed to Get You Through College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.

1. Seek out a new study vs. Social Environment

One of the biggest tips you hear people talk about is separating their study space from their social environment. If you are able to find one specific environment designated to your work and study, it will make it so much easier to become accustomed to these patterns. All too often we feel it is best to work in a comfortable setting such as our bed (which may work for some people!) but more often than not, our brains become confused between our sleep setting and our study space. By setting your nearest café, the library, or something as simple as your desk, as the designated area for your work, you will automatically shift your mindset to get down to studying. This way you know that after grind time, you can use all of your free time to socialize in any other setting.

2. Get into a routine

Coming back after a long summer vacation can definitely make it hard to get back into the swing of things. Following a daily routine will help you get into your own grind and be more physically and mentally aware. Having a task to look forward to will allow you to get into a  habit of waking up every day with set intentions. By setting out to complete your every day routine, you will accomplish much more and reward yourself at the end of each day.

3. Prioritize tasks

Over the course of my three years at Bentley, I found it has become manageable to work more efficiently by ranking the priorities of my tasks from highest to lowest. Doing this allows you ample time to complete the most important task first so that it is done sooner. It is definitely easier said than done, since we often prefer to check off more things from our list that are easier. However, getting ahead with that one difficult task will make life so much easier in the long run.

4. The caffeine nap

Super underrated, but a caffeine nap will always help with that small boost of energy you may need throughout the day. We all too often get caught up in our routines, and forget to take a step back from our everyday lives. Often, we tell ourselves that it’s always “GO,GO,GO!” and then give ourselves little room to rest. If there is truly no time in the day for you to take a long nap, a caffeine nap is the way to go. The trick to a coffee nap comes after drinking a cup of coffee and then setting the alarm clock for 20 minutes. Even if you are unable to fully fall asleep, “lying down peacefully, calming down your body or being half-asleep during your coffee nap will also bring a great effect” (Mosiej, 2021). Unfortunately, for my non-coffee drinkers this will not do the trick, but I’m sure there are plenty of other coffee substitutes to give you that boost of energy you need!

5. it is ok to change your major

There’s a reason people say you should always be open to changing your direction of life. Our likes and wants change constantly throughout the course of our lives, so it is more than normal to not have a set in stone planned major going into college. If you are under stress trying to find the best fit major for you, set up a meeting with your academic advisor. Trust me, it will be worth it in the end! Seeing as they have done this with hundreds of students before, it will help give you a sense of clarity and relief towards what you want to accomplish in your career. 

6. use bentley’s resources

Okay yes, all of the Bentley emails may be overwhelming, but half of the time they are actually providing us with useful links and event information. One of the MAJOR helpful resources is our career services. Although it can be hard to fit in a quick meeting, it is always best to find a 15-20 minute gap in between lunch breaks and study breaks. We often feel so overwhelmed with all that we have going on, so taking a minute to sit down and talk to someone about your stresses concerning majors and minors will work to your benefit. If there is anything else on your mind that you can’t seem to talk about with your roommate and/or friends, Bentley offers a great support system of people among the counseling service. Whether it be after a stressful day or even just talking to someone about your recent highlights, there is always someone available to listen and talk.

7. step outside of your comfort zone

Of course this last tip is easier said than done! Especially coming in as a freshman the thought of an entirely new environment with strangers all around can be daunting. The friends, physical space, and mental state in which you are in, all play into what you get out of this experience. From the get go, it is important to take that first step outside of your own bubble. Existing within your own fear will only allow you to get in your own head and make excuses for your success. Take those risks, whether it be alone or with some peers, in order to explore this new stage of life you are in. Everyone is in this same boat of fear and anxiety at the beginning stage, but all it takes is one deep breath to pave this new path. Navigating your way around campus will make it ten times easier to build upon these stressors in a new environment. Don’t be afraid to wave or even start a small conversation with someone next to you. Most likely, they will carry on the conversation and you may even start a new friendship! 

Hi my name is Dariana! I am a Senior at Bentley this year with a major in Economics-Finance and a minor in IDCC. I am a member of the swim team here at Bentley, and a member of SAAC on campus. This year I am interested in building on my experience with writing and building a close circle of girls that share the same belief in empowering women! I love to write about anything under the sun that pertains to life advice. In my free time I love to travel, and since I am a BIG foodie, I love trying new foods anywhere I visit.