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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

It won’t come as a surprise for me to tell you that anytime Greek Life is brought up in conversation, it acts as a sort of buzz word. With everything going in media about hazing and Greek organizations getting suspended or kicked off of college campuses, it’s difficult for people to comprehend the purpose behind sororities and fraternities, especially at Belmont. I met with my good friend Abby Watson, chapter president of the Delta Eta chapter of Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority, to get her take on Greek Life here at Belmont.

What is your major and why did you choose it?

English & Spanish – I chose these majors because I am obsessed with language and how people communicate both through written word and orally. It is so interesting to dissect literature and understand the subtly and complexity of English in particular. Spanish is more of a challenge because I am still learning it, but I love using it to connect with students and their families as I experience more educational settings as I want to be an English teacher.

2. What made you decide to join Greek Life?

My mom is an incredible role model and was a member of Greek Life in college. She still has connections to her sorority as her best friends from the chapter are her best friends. They have lived in the same town for more than 20 years and share huge life experiences with each other. I wanted to find the same lifelong friendships that are based in similar values but still teach and encourage me in many different ways.

3. What is something that you think would surprise people about Belmont Greek Life?

Belmont Greek Life is incredibly values based and extremely supportive. All of the chapters have strong values that members pride themselves on displaying in everyday life. It is incredibly motivating to see other Greek students living out their values each day in and outside of a Greek setting. This values-based mentality also creates a community that is not competitive which is definitely different from most Greek communities.

4. What’s your favorite part about being president of AST?

My favorite part of being AST president is having the opportunity to meet incredible women from multiple majors, backgrounds and experiences that I might not have had the chance to meet any other way. These women also engage in my life and support me through any challenge. It has been a privilege to know them but even more rewarding to know that I am leading a group of women who are strong and unique also believe in me.

5. What’s a piece of advice you would give to a new member of any Greek organization on campus?

Greek life can be intimidating because it is a community with many passionate people. It is important to remember your values and understand that any chapter should be supporting and growing those. I would tell new members to relax and enjoy the process. The most random events and experiences can bring you close to people that could become your collaborator, role model or best friend.

I hope you enjoyed getting some insight from someone who knows a thing or two about Belmont Greek Life! For more information, follow @bupanhellenic and @belmontgreeklfe on Instagram!

Tori is a junior nursing major at Belmont University. Throughout her life, she has had a passion for writing. Although she chose to pursue a career in nursing, she still wants to tell stories and hone in on her craft. During her free time, Tori enjoys spin class, exploring coffeeshops in Nashville, and organizing events with her sorority.