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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

Name: Sarah Self

Year: Senior

Hometown: Louisville, KY

Major/Minor: Corporate Communication, Theatre and Drama

Role at HC Belmont: Writer

Why did you choose Belmont?  

Belmont was actually a totally last minute decision. Originally, I had planned to go to school somewhere up north, but then came to realize it wasn’t the right for me. Since I was then looking to pursue an arts career, I was primarily looking for schools based off of their program reputation. I then decided that I would definitely want to stay in the south – and voila – I found myself at Belmont


What’re your career goals? 

I know I ultimately want to end up in HR. For right now though, I can’t really get more specific than that. I’m graduating in May, so the job search has officially begun. Wish me luck!


Favorite place to go in Nashville? 

Radnor lake. As much as love the urban feel of Nashville, it’s nice to just get some time to myself in the outdoors. A big happy place for me.

Do you have any hobbies?

In my free time I actually study philosophy…for fun. Yes, really.


What’s your favorite class you’ve taken at Belmont? 

Business and Professional Communication. Dr. Davis is one of my favorite professors, as he tried to push us away from the mentality of the “checklist student.” It’s a great class that’s useful for every major, and in addition to learning some important job application lessons, the class really challenged me to figure out what I wanted from both a career and life.

Top 3 favorite bands?

Elton John, Panic! at the Disco, Queen

Favorite Movie? 

This is always such a hard question for me… Amadeus? 

Favorite quote? 

“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” Søren Kierkegaard

Favorite Food?  

Spaghetti. I can enjoy the simple things.

What would you say to someone considering joining the HC team? 

Do it! Please! I’ve reaped so much good from this organization, both professionally and personally, and I’m so sad I’m having to say goodbye in a few months.

Make sure to like HC Belmont on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, pin with us on Pinterest, and love us on Instagram.


Born and raised in Louisville, KY, Sarah came to Belmont as a member of the class of 2019. Sarah joined the Her Campus Belmont team as a chapter contributor her sophomore year and took over as President just a few months later. While you'll find her studying corporate communications and theatre during school, in her free time she enjoys hot yoga, bingeing Game of Thrones, and working to make her chapter the absolute best it can be.