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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

After a year of hiatus from social media, Ed Sheeran is back and better than ever. If you have not heard his two new singles “Shape of You” and “Castle On The Hill”, than stop what you are doing right now and blast them both from your nearest speakers.

Sheeran captures the hearts of his fans through his songwriting. His melodies are not only catchy, but his lyrics tell a story that resonates with fans globally. He had everybody swooning over his love song, “Thinking Out Loud” back in 2014. Now, with a little more pop, but still the same beautiful story telling, his two new singles are released and we are ready for his comeback.

Back in December 13, 2015, Sheeran posted on his instagram a note that read:

“Hello all. I’m taking a break from my phone, emails and all social media for a while, I’ve had such an amazing ride over the last 5 years but I find myself seeing the world through a screen and not my eyes so I’m taking this opportunity of me not having to be anywhere or do anything to travel the world and see everything I missed. To my family and friends, if you love me you will understand me buggering off for a bit, to my fans, the 3rd album is on its way and is the best thing I have made thus far. See you all next autumn, and thank you for being amazing. Ed X”

Although fans everywhere, including myself, could not wait for his return, the message that Sheeran is giving is brilliant and bold. Social media seems to be taking over the world, and has attached itself to our lives and absorbed all of our time. Time that could be spent seeing the world through our eyes and not through someone else’s picture on our feed. Although social media can be a great outlet for staying connected and updated with events and people all over the world, it can also be too much of a connect, where we lose perspective on what is important in life. 

I applaud Sheeran for putting down the phone for a year and caring about what was happening right in front of him. It is a choice that more people should consider doing. Maybe not even for a year but for three hours a day. The world will still be spinning when you log back on.

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I am a freshman music business major, like the majority of Belmont, from the Chicago land area. Like most people, I fell in love with Nashville's music, coffee shops, and obviously all the wall murals. I am a firm believer that one day I will marry Jim Halpert, but until that day, I will wait patiently and keep re-watching The Office. I believe that in an another life time, Amy Poehler and I would be the best of friends. I would hold out hope for this life time, but I am just waiting for her to respond to my emails. Life is good--remember that.