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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

I’ve been surrounded by strong women my entire life. My mother, my aunts, my sister and my best friends have all inspired me by letting nothing stand in their way. From following their dream wherever it takes them, to being brave enough to do things I never would have been able to do on my own, to standing up for what they believe in and being unapologetically themselves, these women have played a crucial role in how much I’ve grown as a woman and how much I want to grow.

Especially in light of recent political events, it can be hard to feel empowered, or strong, or like your voice is loud enough to mean anything. I, like many of my close friends, watched and formed an opinion on the Brett Kavanaugh hearings. 

The thing that bothered me the most was not the accusations, nor the way Kavanaugh reacted to those accusations, but the reactions that people in my life had towards the situation. In a sea of rabid Instagram users crying out to blame Christine Blasey Ford, it was refreshing to find support in old classmates, teammates and fifteen minute friendships.

Last year, I struggled greatly with the decision Belmont made to admit Jack Montague, a former Yale basketball captain who had been expelled for sexual misconduct. While it was hard not to have such strong opinions on sexual assault stories I saw online, this one hit much closer to home. I was disappointed in the news, but I’ve never seen such a large number of my peers express their disgust for a decision and then work so hard to try and reverse it.

Even despite less than encouraging comments from men like Donald Trump, I have yet to see any of us give up. Women are a powerhouse of ambition, courage, strength, and empowerment, and I’m proud to be part of a legacy that radiates support and love for those who need it. 

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