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The Do’s and Don’ts of How to Talk to Someone with Mental Health Problems

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Belmont chapter.

On average, 1 in 4 people in the world experience mental health problems at some point in their life. It’s more than likely that someone in your life is living with a mental disorder, such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or significant other, it can be hard to know what to say! You want to be supportive to the person you care about, but are scared of saying something that could make things worse. Here are some things to keep in mind when talking to someone who struggles with mental health problems.


1)   DON’T: Tell them to stop feeling a certain way

One of the worst things to say to someone who has high anxiety is that they just need to stop worrying about things. Telling them to just “calm down” may sound like a simple solution to you, but it’s much easier said than done for someone with anxiety, and may actually escalate their anxiety.


2)   DO: Tell them you love and support them

No matter what someone is going through, it helps to know that they’re not going through it alone. A constant reminder that you are there for them can make all the difference! Whether you tell them this, surprise them with their favorite snack, or write them a letter with all the things you appreciate about them, just make sure you let them know that you love them!


3)   DON’T: Tell them their feelings are invalid

Mental health is something that’s hard to understand and relate to unless you’ve gone through it yourself. You may not even know that someone is struggling with their mental health until they tell you so! If they do tell you, make sure to accept their feelings, keeping in mind that you don’t know exactly what they’re going through. At the end of the day, you are in no position to diagnose them or undiagnose them, so just appreciate that they were brave enough to share their feelings with you!


4)   DO: Suggest that they meet with a counselor

When someone shares their mental health struggles with you, it’s important to realize that while you love and care about them, you don’t have all the answers. You can make it clear to them that they are welcome to share as much or as little as they want with you, but also encourage them to schedule an appointment with someone who really knows how to help them.


5) DON’T: Give unwarranted advice

Giving advice is a natural reaction when someone shares that they are having a hard time. It comes from a good place, but sometimes that’s just not what the other person wants. It may be a good idea to ask if they would like some advice or if they just need to vent. Sometimes that person may just want a hug and to know that you are there for them.


While these tips may give you some guidance on how to talk to someone you care about when they’re dealing with some tough stuff, it’s important to keep in mind that every person is different! Some people may be very straight forward about how they’re doing and be comfortable speaking about, while other people may not want to share very much about that part of their life. Just make sure to communicate that you’re there for them and that you love them no matter what they’re going through!

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Singer/Songwriter from Phoenix, Arizona