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You’re Doing It All Wrong: Health Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We may think we know how to take a shower, wash our hands, and brush our teeth because we’ve been doing these things forever, but you could be doing it all wrong and not even know.  Until now.  Here are some things you may be doing wrong and ways you can fix it!

1. Taking a shower

The mistake is taking a shower everyday.  This may be overdoing it because frequent showers with excessive scrubbing can remove some of the skin’s oils, which are essential for locking in moisture.  We may think showers fight dryness, but an excess of washing can cause dryness.  

Note: You can shower everyday if you need to – just keep the water lukewarm and make it no more than 10 minutes (yes, this is possible).

2. Flossing your teeth

The mistake is flossing before brushing your teeth, rather than after.  Imagine flossing your teeth to dislodge the Addie’s pizza you had for dinner, and then brushing your teeth right after to sweep it all away.  But, this may not be working as well as you think.  The benefits of flossing have less to do with freeing the pieces of pesto chicken between your teeth than clearing plaque you can’t see.  The key it to brush your teeth, floss, and then do a final rinse to get rid of those extra unwanted particles. This way you are maximizing your germ-fighting!

3. Washing your hands

The mistake is thinking a quick rinse-and-dry method will cut it. First of all, warm water is better than cold water because it opens pores of the skin and releases the bacteria within. Second of all, make sure to scrub with soap for at least 20 seconds before you rinse and dry. You can even sing your favorite song (out loud or in your head) while you do it. 

4. Drying your hands

The mistake is using an electric hand dryer rather than paper towels.  Drying your hands under a traditional hand dryer can actually boost the number of bacteria on the surface of your skin because airborne contaminants easily attach to your hands.  Your best bet is to use those paper towels and not worry about the paper waste because keeping your hands cleaner will keep you healthier.

5. Knuckle Cracking

The mistake is thinking there’s something wrong with it.  There’s nothing wrong with cracking your knuckles – current evidence does not show that it leads to arthritis.  As long as you are not causing yourself any pain when you’re knuckle cracking, then the stigma of knuckle-cracking is merely a myth.

6. Going overboard on cardio machines at the gym

The mistake is using the machines or pacing yourself incorrectly.  For example, if you are using an elliptical machine and the resistance is set so high that you can’t work out comfortably without hunching over and leaning on the machine for support, then you are doing it all wrong.  Instead, challenge yourself with a rough workout, but make sure you can maintain good form.  Also, if you are staying on cardio machines for too long, then you aren’t working hard enough. Instead, decrease your time and increase your resistance, which can shave off half of your cardio routine.  Another good tip is to mix up your routine so that your workout is challenging and works new muscles.

7. Weight-lifting incorrectly at the gym

The mistakes are lifting weights that are too heavy, too light, or going too fast.  It is important to remember that you don’t need heavy weights to gain muscle – lighter weights can be just as effective when used correctly.  A good rule of thumb is to choose a weight that you can lift 30 times to start and then 15 times afterward without getting too exhausted.  The key is to maintain good form in order to get the most out of lifting weights by keeping a strong upper back, with your chin and chest up, and tightening your core.  And, there’s nothing wrong with taking it slow – many times this actually makes the exercise more challenging.






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Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.