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You Did WHAT?! The Best and Worst of the Comm Ave. Bus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

If you’re a BC student, you’ve doubtlessly spent a good chunk of time waiting at the bus stop, transloc-ing on your phone, and (finally) riding the Comm Ave Bus.  Maybe the frigid cold numbs a few brain cells, or maybe you had one too many before heading off campus, but regardless, we’ve all seen some pretty ridiculous stuff go down on the Comm Ave Bus.  Here are the best and worst from our readers:

“I was on the Comm Ave. bus last year and decided it was a good idea to swipe a guy’s beer out of his back pocket.  I got caught, and unfortunately he took his beer back.” — Female, CSOM 2013

“The day after I moved onto campus my freshman year, a bunch of my friends and I took the shuttle to Cleveland Circle to go to Chill.  On the way back, a bunch of upperclassmen got on at Robsham and started singing all the songs we sing at football games.  It was so loud but really fun!  The bad part was that they knew a bunch of us were freshmen, so they told the bus driver to skip the Mac and CoRo stops so we had to go all the way back to Cleveland Circle and then back to campus.  It took forever and was incredibly annoying!”          
— Female, LSOE 2014

“My friends and I were riding the Comm Ave. bus one night, and these two girls got on who were total messes. They basically weren’t wearing pants, still had red solo cups in their hands and were stumbling all over the place.  This may not seem that unusual, but it started to get weird when they sat down and looked like they were falling asleep.  Then all of a sudden, they woke up and just started making out with each other… It was super random, but definitely hilarious.  My friends and I still laugh every time that we see one of the girls walking around campus.” — Female, A&S 2014

“This one time I saw Dave Shinskie on the Comm Ave. bus and was telling my friend how I had class with him last year.  I got all excited and stuck my legs out by mistake as he was walking by and he stumbled over me. Woops!” — Female, LSOE 2013

“One weekend night I was riding the Comm Ave. bus, and it was fairly crowded.  All of a sudden a freshman boy jumped onto the seats and yelled “THE FLOOR IS LAVA! THE FLOOR IS LAVA!”  He then proceeded to climb all around the bus, touching only the seats and polls and kept shouting “IT’S MELTING.”  I’m pretty sure his friends joined in too… it was ridiculous, but definitely brought me back – I loved that game when I was little.”
— Female, A&S 2012

“Freshman year I got into a habit of trying to start drunken sing-a-longs on the ride home.  ‘Just A Friend’ by Biz Markie and ‘Sweet Caroline’ were always the go-tos.  It can be real entertaining if people join in, but I absolutely got some crickets when I judged the crowd wrong.  Also, as great as the chorus of “Just a Friend”is, no one can ever manage the verses.  OH BABY YOU just loops and loops…” — Female, A&S 2014 

“I guess this didn’t really happen on the Comm Ave. bus, but one time I was running from lower to catch the bus at Robsham, and decided to hurdle over the stone wall to get there.  Well it was dark, so I must have misjudged how high the wall was.  I made it over, but I skinned my knee and the leather of my boots in the process.  Oh, and the bus left a good two minutes after I walked on.” — Female, A&S 2015


No it’s cool, I didn’t want to sit there anyways. 

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Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.