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Yik Yak in a Nut Shell

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Put down the Instagram and stop the tweeting because Yik Yak is making its way as one of the most used social media apps across college campuses. Because of its increasing popularity, one would expect the timeline of Yaks to be varying and unique, however, I bet I am not the only one who has noticed the notoriously reoccurring Yik Yak themes that students tend to post. So, do me a favor and answer this question: How would you fill in the blank?: ____ and chill.

Complaints about Eduroam

Being one of the most reoccurring and popular topics on Yik Yak, complaints about the wifi connection definitely are widely acknowledged across campus. With the amount of criticisms about the Internet, I am surprised at how many people actually have sufficient service to post them.

______ and Chill

While previously used as a pick up line, users of the app have now taken it a step further in creating their own “netflix and chill.” When you refresh yik yak, there is a good chance that a something and chill comment will be posted. The list will go on and on.

Do Guys Like It When ______ or Do Girls Prefer Guys With ______

For some unknown reason, Yik Yak has taken its place as a go to for relationship advice. Many people are curious as to what the opposite sex prefers and assumes that Yik Yak users will have all the answers. In addition to these types of posts, the comments always consist of motivational remarks to show the Yik Yakker that they should just be themselves; however, sometimes they are given a definite, opinionated answer.

Concerns About the Effect of Dining Food on Digestive System

Obviously restated in a less vulgar and descriptive manner, these types of posts are very frequent and always have a spot in the “Hot Yaks.” Many people claim to have serious repercussions after consuming food from the dining halls, and some go as far as to compare it to laxatives. Nevertheless, I have learned that despite these consequences, many people will still order the Philly steak and cheese and quesadilla and beans anyway.

Criticism About the 1 Ply Toilet Paper

Either closely following the complaints about the dining food or even in the same post, the dissatisfaction of the 1 ply toilet paper is notoriously known across campus. A reoccurring comment in these types of yaks is the ever increasing cost of tuition and inability to provide at least 2 ply toilet paper.


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Adrianna is a freshman majoring in psychology on a pre-med track at Boston College. She is really passionate about health and fitness and is trying to make it in Boston as a New York Sports fan. She can be found yelling at the TV a little too loudly when hockey is on, eating honey crisp apples, drooling over dylan o brien, or convincing people, that despite her 5'0 height, she is really 18 years old.
Blake is a senior at Boston College and is pursuing Biology and Pre-Med, as well as the perfect slice of pizza. She is so excited to be a co-Campus Correspondent along with Emily this year! As well as being a writer for Her Campus BC, she is also a member of the Girls Club Lacrosse team, the Public Health Club, and is a physics tutor on campus.