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Why You Should Not Miss: Downton Abbey?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

When I first heard of Downton Abbey, I did not understand what the big deal was.  I refused to watch it, thinking that I was going to be bored.  It was only until a year later (this past winter break) that I realized why it has gained and maintained a cult-like following.  It is an amazing show!

While the show’s time period and the fact that it is BBC and PBS related may deter you, do not let either of these things keep you from watching.  Once you start watching the show, you will become a fan.   If this plea to have you watch does not work, here are some more concrete reasons as to why you should watch Downton Abbey.

1. Downton Abbey, the building.

The building itself is absolutely gorgeous!   The outside is tall and impressive with a number of towers and many windows.  With the large rooms and elaborate decorations, the inside can make you a little envious of the Crawley family. And it’s a real building!  Known as Highclere Castle, the building is the actual home of the Earl and Countess of Carnarvon.  During the First World War, it was used as a hospital, and after the war, the Earl of Carnarvon was the one responsible for financing Howard Carter in his discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun.  Downton Abbey is a beautiful building with an interesting actual and fictional history.

2.  The Clothes

While this is not a reference to the attire of the servants, the clothes worn by the upstairs individuals are very elegant.  Because the show begins before World War I and continues onwards, watchers are able to see the Edwardian fashions slowly transform from the simpler clothes worn during World War I and into the exciting styles of the 1920s.  Before the upper levels of society had to dress according to  trends, we are able to see fashion in its highest form.

3. The Drama

While other shows may have drama, they do not compare to all of the issues occurring among the downstairs and upstairs people in Downton Abbey.  From indiscretions to rivalry, there is never a dull moment at Downton.  Sometimes they triumph, and sometimes the characters fail.  Each week leaves you hanging and wanting to find out how each situation is going to be resolved.

4.  The Romance

On the surface, Downton Abbey does not seem akin to Jane Austen or the Brontë sisters; but the show will sweep you away much like many other romantic stories.  Each week, watchers ask the same questions wondering whether love will be victorious or unsuccessful.  Will Matthew and Mary finally get over their issues and confess their love?  And the romance is not just confined to the Crawley family,  the staff faces their own issues too.  Will Anna and Mr. Bates finally catch a break and live happily ever after one day?  You will just have to tune in to find out. 

5. The Witty Lines

While there are many serious issues in Downton Abbey, the dialogue provides a bit of comic relief with the various quips made by the characters.  Here are some quotes from the show:

Mrs. Patmore, Cook (to Daisy, the kitchen maid): Daisy, what’s happened to you? I said you could go for a drink of water, not a trip up the Nile.

Lady Violet Grantham, the Dowager Countess and mother to Lord Grantham: I’m a woman, Mary.  I can be as contrary as I choose.

Sir Richard Carlisle: I’ll be leaving in the morning, Lady Grantham. I doubt it we’ll meet again.

Lady Violet Grantham: Do you promise?

Lady Grantham, wife to Lord Grantham: I’m an American. I don’t share your English hatred of comfort.

Mr. Carson, the Butler: I’m sure the chain of command will be sorted out soon.

Miss O’Brien, the Lady’s Maid: Or there will be blood on the stairs.

Mr. Carson: Thank you, Miss O’Brien.

Mr. Carson: Now, if I was a gentleman, I wouldn’t want to know.

Mrs. Hughes, the Housekeeper: But you’re not.

Mr. Carson: Fortunately.

Lady Violet Grantham: Oh that’s a relief. I hate Greek drama. When everything happens off stage.

This is just a sample of some of the dialogue from the show.  Each episode contains some funny dialogue breaking up the drama.

6. Dame Maggie Smith

Recent winner of the Primetime Emmy and the Golden Globe for her portrayal of Lady Violet Grantham, the Dowager Countess, Dame Maggie Smith is absolutely wonderful in this series.  She is my personal favorite, but she has won the hearts of so many other people (I mean, she’s Professor McGonagall, duh!).  With her quips and honesty, she is never afraid to speak her mind.  She is a devoted woman to her family trying to look out for their best interests.  While Lady Violet Grantham prefers her old fashioned ways, she does not shy away from the future, and meets it head on.  She has become a beloved character on the show and is one of the reasons that you should watch Downton Abbey.

Downton Abbey is a wonderful show that should not be missed.  From the beautiful location to the whole cast of characters, Downton Abbey has become a phenomenon that transports you to another world, while still maintaining a connection to the viewer.  Now, stop being stubborn (like I was), and go watch Downton Abbey!   Trust me, you will not regret the choice.

Downton Abbey is on at 9pm on WGBH Boston, PBS.

Season 1 of Downton Abbey can be watched online through Netflix.  Season 1 and 2 of Downton Abbey can be watched either through Hulu Plus or the Library Media Center at Boston College.   Episodes from Season 3 can be seen online on the PBS Masterpiece website.


Danica is a senior at Boston College and is a History major with an Irish Studies minor.  She is originally from Greenwich, CT and moved to East Boothbay, ME.  She is also a member of Boston College Irish Dance and the Shaw Leadership Program.  And last but not least is a fiery redhead who lives in a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by a boiling lake of lava! But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes piña coladas and getting caught in the rain. Yours for the rescuing: Princess Danica!  (And yes, that is a quote from Shrek...)
Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.