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Why the Heck Did I Bring THIS to College?!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

The day had finally arrived.  It was September 1 and pretty soon the Marr family would be descending upon the Heights to move both kids into BC dorms for the last time.  Mom’s behind the wheel, Connor’s using his iPod to DJ from the back seat, and I’m sitting in the front seat talking about past BC move-ins as we fly down I-90.  And where’s Dad?  Oh, he’s a few cars in front of us, driving the U-Haul we rented because one car wasn’t big enough to fit all of our college stuff.  The conversation starts to take a turn for the worse as we reminisce over past packing disasters…

Mom: Now, you’re both sure you have everything you need?  You made sure to double check your rooms before we took off right?
Emma and Connor (in unison): Yeah of cours,e Mom.  Don’t worry.
Mom: Alright, just making sure.  Emma, I don’t want a repeat of freshman year when you brought so much unnecessary stuff and forgot your desk lamp, one thing you actually needed.
Emma: Nope, only made that mistake once.
Connor: (Silence) Um….
Mom: Yeah?
Connor: My desk lamp is on my desk at home.
Mom: $%^&*#!!

This little snapshot of the Marr family drive up to BC a few months ago shows just how much of a pain packing for college is.  I’ve done it for four years now and it still hasn’t gotten any easier.  
Freshman year is probably the most difficult when it comes to packing for college.  You’re transplanting your entire life from the comfort of your own home to a completely foreign dorm setting.   How can you possibly know exactly how to prepare for college life?  It’s inevitable that you’ll not only forget crucial items, but on the flipside, that you’ll bring something and later ask yourself, “Why the heck did I bring this to BC?!”  So what are some of these useless items?  Here’s what a few BC collegiettes™ brought with them to college freshman year that might have been better off left at home…
1.  Bikini and Suntan Lotion
Ok, this is Boston not the Caribbean.  While there are a few exceptionally gorgeous days in the beginning and end of the year, for the most part we’re dealing with downpours and disgusting slushy snow.  And on those few bright and sunny days?  I still wouldn’t recommend breaking out the bikini and lathering up to suntan outside of O’Neill. 

2.  Useless Sports Equipment
Michelle Meyer, CSOM’12, hails from Chicago, IL, and freshman year she lugged the golf clubs all the way from her hometown in Hinsdale to the Heights.  “I used them literally once.  I played in high school but didn’t know why I thought I would play in college.  Plus, Newton Golf Course is really far away,” says Meyer.  A set ofhand weights is another things one BC collegiette™ wishes she had left at home.  They’re heavy, take up too much space, and the Plex has them anyways.  Unless you’re planning on working your biceps during a Friday night pre-game…

3.  Shoe rack
Christine Miecuna, CSOM’12, says she brought a shoe rack to BC freshman year and never used it.  “There’s not enough closet space,” says Miecuna.  As incoming freshman, we have no idea what to expect when it comes to storage space in the dorms.  Plus, year after year the dorm set up seems to differ slightly; what may have worked for storage freshman year in Gonzaga may not work when you upgrade to Walsh sophomore year.

4.  Full-length Mirror
How were we supposed to know that there were already mirrors on the backs of the dorm room doors?  Sure, we all love to look at ourselves, but with such little space, this is one unnecessary item that we could afford to leave at home.

5.  Books
Julianne Wojno, A&S’13, says that freshman year she brought some of her favorite books to read at college. “Why? They take up space, and I never get a chance to read new, fun books, let alone old ones.  Dumb.  Just dumb,” says Wojno.  While we all want to act like we’re extremely scholarly in front of our new classmates freshman year, let’s be honest: after studying all week for classes we’d rather unwind by watching Glee than by diving into Pride and Prejudice.

6.  Iron and Ironing Board
Now this is a popular one that tons of people have said they never should have brought with them to BC freshman year.  Meagan Reardon, CSOM’13, says that when she thinks of stupid stuff she brought to college, “the first that comes to mind is the iron.  For some reason I thought that I would need to de-wrinkle all of my clothes, yet the iron never even left the box.  It’s funny how quickly things become unnecessary when mom isn’t doing them for you,” says Reardon.  However, if you did haul the ironing board with you to BC, one student, has a way you transform it from useless to useful.  “My ironing board doubled as a pong table,” says Bertorelli.  Problem solved!

7.  Crazy Clothing
Caela McCann, CSOM’15, says that now that she’s a few weeks into her freshman year at BC she’s wondering why she brought a pair of hot pink spandex leggings from American Apparel.  “I thought that one day down the line I might need them to dress up for a party, but right now it seems that BC’s not ready for my sparkly leggings,” says McCann.  Give it time girl… your first 80’s flashback themed party may be just the occasion to whip those spandex out!  Erin Cullen, CSOM’15, says that a sombrero and an Indian headdress are currently sitting unused in her dorm on Newton campus.  “What can I say? I like to dress up!  I’m still hoping that I get a chance… ” says Cullen.  Never fear froshie, there’s always Halloween!

8.  A Full Set of Kitchen Utensils
Rachel Fagut, CSOM’14, says that the full set of kitchen utensils that she brought with her to BC freshman year went untouched.  While it’s certainly better to bring your own forks rather than steal a few from Mac, there’s really no reason you need kitchen utensils in your freshman dorm (even though you may want to show off your inner domestic goddess).  But, when you’re on a meal plan and the only kitchen appliance you have is a microwave, it’s better just to leave the kitchen supplies back home and save some storage space.  Instant Easy Mac doesn’t exactly scream Martha Stewart and you don’t need anything but a plastic fork to enjoy the orange goodness.

9.  A Picture of an Ex-boyfriend
Really?  No words.  I don’t care how good YOU may look… freshman year at college means a fresh start.  Let’s leave the past in the past and instead focus on all the cute freshman boys! 

Photo Sources:

Julianne is an Ohio native studying communication at Boston College with a concentration in journalism. She got involved with Her Campus BC when the chapter launched in December 2010. She began as an editor and contributing writer, and since has moved up the ranks to Campus Correspondent. Aside from working for Her Campus, Julianne is a certified personal trainer at Boston College's Flynn Recreational Complex and teaches group fitness as well. During her sophomore year, Julianne was a part of the Arrupe Program at BC and traveled to Guatemala, learning about the culture, political, social, economic, and religious issues of the country. Her goals post graduation include writing for a health and fitness magazine or working in communications for college or professional athletics. As for now, however, she is enjoying life at the University she loves so much! An avid hockey and football fan, one can always find Julianne in the stands rooting on BC and the Boston Bruins! Other hobbies include running, yoga, cooking, baking, and photography.