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What Every Holiday Season Must Have: Traditions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Every holiday season, families gather around the menorah or the Christmas tree to exchange gifts and celebrate. Sure these are common traditions that hold true for most families, but for me, no Christmas would be complete without snow but also my family’s Christmas Eve tradition. Even though I am 20 years old, I need to read Night Before Christmas by the Christmas tree and put out cookies for Santa. This tradition gives Christmas the feeling of never aging even though we are all getting older. Some other Her Campus BC girls also have some traditions that keep the holiday spirit alive.


Ashley Goncalves can relate to the idea of needing certain events to complete her Christmas. “For me, it’s opening just one present on Christmas Eve. Every year since I was little, my parents would allow my brother and I to choose just one present to open Christmas Eve before we could open the rest on Christmas Day. We still do this every year and I still act like a little child and shake each box before choosing the perfect one!”


Morgan and Meghan Gibbons also have several traditions their family does not stray from each holiday season. Every year during the Christmas season, they make the journey to NYC to see the Radio City Christmas Spectacular. Another tradition they have is wearing footie pajamas while they open presents Christmas morning.



Sophomore Niki Bertsche says that her family is unique when they light the menorah. In addition to saying the prayer and lighting the candles, they each say something they are thankful for. By the end of the eight days, they all have eight things that they are grateful for!


Other traditions that families share include:

  • Midnight mass
  • Baking cookies
  • Watching favorite Christmas movies
  • Wearing Santa hats
  • Listening to holiday songs on the radio
  • Decorating the tree together
  • Putting up festive decorations around the house
  • Decorating gingerbread houses!
  • Pictures with Santa
  • Lighting the menorah
  • Playing dreidel
  • Latkes
  • Eating only fatty foods to represent the oil in the light​


So whether you have some of these traditions as well or something unique that is quintessential to your holiday season, we hope you enjoy it this year! What does your family do for the holiday season that you find unique? Share your story in the comments below


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Alana is currently a junior at Boston College studying Communications and marketing. She is the Publicity director and events coordinator for Her Campus BC as well as being a part of the editorial team. 
Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum