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What BC Sayings Really Mean

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

At any college, there are different nicknames and sayings unique to that school. But just how out-there are BC phrases? I asked my best friend’s grandma, my friend from another school, and my Dad to give me their input on what they think these common BC sayings mean. Here is what they said…

1.Co Ro

Grandma: A vegetable? Like a carrot! It’s a carrot isn’t it?

Friend: It’s a place people live, like Constitution Road, right?

Dad: A set of dorm buildings.

2.The Hut

Grandma: A place where eskimo’s live.

Friend: A place where you get beachy, casual snacks.

Dad: A gym? No way! Donna (my mom) I got it right!

3.BC Look Away

Grandma: Is that what you call the eagle?

Friend: When you meet someone at a party that you never want to see again.

Dad: When you see someone you don’t want to and look away. That was it?? Get out of here!!

4.The Mods

Grandma: The mall.

Friend: Gross senior housing that people fight over that should literally not exist.

Dad: The Promised Land.


Grandma: Campus office? I’m doing very badly aren’t I?

Friend: Was that even English.

Dad: What I pay for.

6.The Rat

Grandma: A cafeteria? Wow, see, I’m getting better now!

Friend: Do I want to know?

Dad: Sports center


Grandma: The art building.

Friend: What I am.

Dad: What did you call me?

8.The Res

Grandma: A nightclub.

Friend: A place where all the RA’s hang out.

Dad: No idea are we almost done?


Grandma: Sporting event? Darn it! …Oh alright give me the next one.

Friend: A dance? Does that count as right?

Dad: Some kind of disease.


Grandma: Cool word you guys use for downtown.

Friend: A really old crappy dorm.

Dad: Sounds gnarly.

11.Eagles Nest

Grandma: Your room? Come on I was going to say a place to get food, I really was. So I win, right?

Friend: Student center.

Dad: Your mother made pasta, can I go now?

12.T.I.T.S (Tavern in the Sqaure)

Grandma: *laughs* A fraternity party? Ohhhh well I don’t have my mind in the gutter like you college kids. Now what do you want me to bake for Thanksgiving?

Friend: Oh my God… a field?

Dad: HEY! Some new band?

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Hi! I'm Shannon Brink and I'm currently a freshman at BC. I'm from a small town in New Jersey, and I love being outdoors and traveling with friends and family. I'm the youngest of three, and living in a male dominated house where football typically takes over the dinner conversation, it's refreshing to have an outlet to talk about things that genuinely interest me and are relevant to my life as a clueless freshman trying to learn the ropes of college.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.