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Weekend Forecast: SNOWSTORM! How Not to Get Caught in the Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


It wouldn’t be a winter in Boston without the chance of a snowstorm in our forecast!  In case you haven’t heard, this Friday into Saturday there is a high chance of our area of getting about 1-2 feet of snow.  Go figure, a snowstorm WOULD come during the weekend and ruin any plans of going out, instead of taking its course in the middle of the week when the chance of classes being cancelled is possible.  Some of you may already be stressing about what you could possibly wear to avoid frost bite (or if off-campus is even an option for the weekend if you don’t have a snow plow).  Don’t be bummed though, Her Campus BC has 15 ideas for ways to keep your weekend free of the winter blues!

1.     Movie Night!  Get in the mood for the Oscars coming up on February  24th with some nominated films both past and present.  Make some popcorn, invite your friends over and have a great movie night in, free of ticket or concession charge.

2.     Try something from Pinterest.  How many of you “Pin” thousands of things to your boards, totally loving the concept of what you have pinned but never actually trying it out?  Guilty as charged.  Whether it be a recipe, a do-it-yourself clothing article or a new decoration for your dorm now is the time to surprise yourself and see if you really can do it.

3.     Manicures and Pedicures.  Spoil yourself with a little spa day.  Sure people may not see your piggies for a while as they are kept in your boots most of this winter, but that just means you can paint them a fun and obnoxious color.

4.     SLEEP!  Why?  We have been back about 3 weeks, cold season is running rampant and the work-load is starting to pile up!  Now is the perfect time to make sure you have plenty of rest.  Stay in your pj’s all day, cuddle up and blanket and remind yourself since you can’t go outside you are officially in a judgment-free zone.

5.     Have a Mardi Gras Party.  Sure it may not be as warm and lively as New Orleans when there are mounds of snow outside but we can just ignore that difference.  With Lent around the corner, this is the weekend to indulge!  Grab some beads, make some fun drinks like a Hurricane, and if you are on the adventurous side, attempt making some traditional food like Jambalaya or King’s cake, and dress in some purple, gold and green with your friends.

6.     Prep for the BEANPOT!  With our men and women’s Hockey Boston College Eagles both in the Beanpot finals this Monday night, now is the time to revamp your fan gear.  Make a sign, design a t-shirt, attempt to make Eagle’s wings, or go all out and make a costume shaped like a Beanpot… whatever it takes to get pumped and increase your spirit for another possible victory. 

7.     Skype or call someone!  When is the last time you video chatted with your distant friend or relative?  Have some people you have just lost touched with but wish you were getting closer?  Now is the perfect time to catch up with them.

8.     Dare I say it… Homework.  Sure we all dread it, and if any of you are like me, you probably put it off until Sunday night, but why not get some work done in advance and feel accomplished instead of overwhelmed?  We promise we wont judge you, we are STUDENTS.

9.     Work out in your room.  Sometimes the cold makes us very lethargic, and the snow may even keep us from the Plex, yet there is no excuse why you cant do some simple stretching and cardio in your room.

10. Get ready for Valentine’s Day.  Whether we’re single or dating someone, none of us can ignore the fact that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner on Thursday February 14th.  Take the time to make some homemade valentines for your friends.  Bake some cookies or sweets to deliver to your crush (or keep them for yourself).  Watch some mushy chick flicks.  Listen to those crazy love songs.  Dream about your celebrity crushes.  However you choose to prep for Valentines Day, whether it be for the purpose of love or for single-awareness, this weekend is the perfect time to warm up your hearts despite the cold outside.

11. Play in the snow. All of my past ideas include staying inside but when there is snow and we cant get around it, might as well embrace it. Bundle up, go outside, and unleash your inner child! Sledding, snowball fights, making snowmen or walking through the snow: there are plenty of options for fun outside, just don’t try skating on the Res.

12.  Prep for the Grammy’s.  With the Grammy’s this Sunday, it’s the perfect time have a dance party with all the songs and artists that are nominated blasting in the background.  If some karaoke and mini-performances ensue, so be it.  Let your inner Adele out!

13. Start thinking about employment.  With the internship fair in our past and deadlines for applications due in the near future, take the time to brush up on your resume and cover letters.  Research possible internships that interest you and make some connections.  Don’t have a LinkedIn yet?  Join in!  If anything, maybe the search for a summer internship will remind you of warmer times.

14. Game Night.  Grab your friends, think of some fun games and let the competition begin.

15. Catch up with your friends on campus.  Ever feel like the days go by and you and your roommates barely even have real conversations with each other?  Make some hot cocoa, sit down with your friends and take the time to catch up on what’s been going on in each other’s lives before the hectic school week creeps back up on us again.

This snowstorm may not seem so bad now, right?  Whether you take our ideas or make up some of your own, there should be no reason why hibernation should keep you down!


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Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.