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Ways That Your Crazy Friends Are Like Your Favorite TV Shows

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Crazy friends – we all have them. Whether they go a little too hard over the weekend or become mini soap operas during the week, they are the ones we care for the most and care for the least. Just like the characters in our favorite TV shows, we might get a little too invested in their lives, but sometimes we just can’t look away.

1. Great plotlines.

Just like in the last episode of The Vampire Diaries, a crazy friend lets you try to do the explaining the next day. The only time you’ll have to piece together your night with your crazy friend is when you have to piece together the plot from the pilot episode of The Vampire Diaries.

2. They are horribly addicting.

No matter how much you want to stop watching the next episode of MTV’s True Life, you just can’t look away. You are inevitably curious to see what your friend does next, and can’t help but be entertained when her life seems to turn into a blown-out of proportion soap opera. The continuous entertainment is what keeps you excited for the weekend.

3. Both can waste a good chunk of your day.

Telling yourself that you’re only going to watch one episode of Game of Thrones before you start homework is never a good idea. One episode quickly turns into three episodes and three episodes can turn into an entire season. Just like the one episode turns into a season, the quick study break with your crazy friend can turn into one of your most memorable nights. Just don’t let her take over your personal time with her crazy drama.

4. Their life seems more interesting than yours.

The insane situations and incredibly dramatic stories you hear on Sunday nights about the past weekend might make you a bit jealous, but really, do you need all that drama in your life? If you actually lived in the world of Teen Wolf, I highly doubt you would want to be there when a maniacal wolf is on the loose and killing all your friends.

5. You just can’t stop watching.

Whether you like it or not, you’ll always be there for them and they’ll always be there for you. When you need your Netflix nights, your Scandal will always be ready to watch for hours, just like your friend. As wild as she is, your crazy friend will have seen and done it all, so they would be the best person to help you through the one night when you might become “the crazy friend.”


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum