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The Types of People You Will See at the Reservoir

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

I consider myself a pretty observant person, especially when I’m jogging and the only thing to do is people watch. So it didn’t take long for me to realize that there are certain types of people you will always encounter at the Reservoir.

1.     That super intense runner: There will always be a handful of runners who are just so much more experienced and athletic than you and me. It’s just a fact. They will overtake you once, sometimes even twice—but that’s a rare occasion. These speedy folks can be seen sporting one item of neon clothing despite the hour of the day, a headband of some form, and a t-shirt they got while running their previous 5K.

2.     That person getting in shape: There’s always someone running and wheezing at the same time. That person who is really struggling to complete that lap around the Res.  Sometimes that person is me after Thanksgiving break where the only thing I did besides eat was sleep. But at least we’re trying, man.

3.     That parent with their adorable children in winter gear: My roommate always says there is absolutely nothing cuter than a little kid in winter clothes. This is so true. Nothing cheers me up more when I’m jogging than seeing these cute little buggers being pushed around a stroller in miniature earmuffs.

4.     The cute old couple: Every four benches you pass, you will spot this couple that restores your faith in true love. You will see the most adorable elderly couple to ever exist just watching the sunset take place in the Reservoir.

5.     Those two old friends catching up: Without a doubt, there will always be those two good friends taking a lap or two around the Res to catch up. Staying fit and staying up to speed on gossip, you go girls!

6.     That hero with a dog: Ever missing your dog at home? Go for a stroll around the Res. You will definitely see at least three dogs on your trek. I know it’s not the same thing, but it functions as a temporary fix.

7.     That sports team: Yeah, so sometimes there are athletic teams doing drills and laps in the Res. Either this will inspire you to race them (without them knowing, of course) or step aside and catch your breath. Both are helpful strategies at becoming more fit.

8.     The artist: Regardless of the medium the artist employs (camera, pencil, paint, etc.), there will always be someone trying to capture the beauty that is the Reservoir.

Hopefully this article made you a little more prepared for what to expect when going on your next jog. It is truly a great place whether you are any of these types I described or not. Whether you want to walk, jog, sprint, talk, take pictures, or just think; the Reservoir is a great place to do it.


Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum