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True Life: I’m Addicted to Chill

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

For the past five years, frozen yogurt shops have been opening up across the country.  This summer, in a matter of months, four different frozen yogurt places opened up in my town.  And here in Boston, there are fro-yo places popping up everywhere.  I’ve always been a fan of the trend—healthy ice cream, what could be better than that?  But I usually thought of myself as more of a casual bystander.  If someone suggested fro-yo, I was always up for it, but I didn’t spend my nights dreaming up the perfect combination of tart yogurt and sweet, fruity toppings.  That is, until I met Chill.

The addiction started out innocently enough.  I’d go once or twice a semester, and that would satisfy my craving.  But then, one of my close friends started working there and I started indulging more and more often.  But instead of making me more satisfied, I became insatiable.  I am now a full-fledged addict.  Honestly, I can’t remember the last week that went by that I didn’t have Chill at least twice.  I was suffering from such withdrawal after Spring Break that I went to Chill seven times in eight days.
I know, I know, I sound like a crazy person.  But at the very least there is one thing you can trust me on:  how to order properly at Chill.  So Collegiettes™, I’ve compiled a quick list of how to obtain Chill perfection.

1)   Go Big or Go to White Mountain – It is an absolute must that you order unlimited toppings when you go to Chill.  One of the best parts about this fro-yo store is how generous they are with their toppings.  And for the price of three toppings ($1.45), you can upgrade to unlimited toppings.  You really are cheating yourself out of the full Chill experience if you only go for one or two toppings.

2)   Experiment – This means trying every flavor they offer.  My personal favorites are mango, blueberry, and coconut.  (On a warm day, mango-coconut swirl is a dream come true.)  The employees are super nice and always willing to give you a taste of one of the four flavors being offered that day.  But don’t forget about experimenting with toppings!  You might think that you know what toppings you like, but you’ll be surprised and amazed by Chill’s variety.  A huge customer favorite (though not something I personally enjoy) is mochi, a Japanese rice dish dough that Chill makes on site.  As for my favorites, graham cracker crumbs and peanut butter sauce are an absolute must, and as many fruits as will fit in my yogurt cup. 

3)   Don’t Forget About the Ice Cream – Obviously, Chill is famous for its tart (and pretty healthy!) frozen yogurt, but don’t overlook their selection of handmade ice creams.  For flavors, they have the usual suspects like Chocolate and Mint Chocolate Chip, but they also have some unusual and delicious ones.  Be sure to try some of the odder flavors like green tea.  My personal favorite is the burnt sugar, a must if you’re a crème brûlée fan!

4)   Be a Diva – I admit that when I first started going to Chill I was as timid as the next customer.  But believe me, Peter (sorry I’m not sorry that I know the owner by name) and the other employees are not going to judge you for getting as many toppings as you want in whatever ratio you want.  If you want blueberry and coconut stacked on top of each other instead of swirls, go for it!  If you want peanut butter sauce on the bottom and the top, say so (trust me, I say it four times a week).  And if you get unlimited toppings, get as many as you want!  Don’t think that they’ll judge you for getting eighteen toppings.  After all, you’re the customer and you are always right!

So there you have it, your guide to the best frozen yogurt in town.  For those of you unfortunate Collegiettes™ who haven’t ventured to Chill yet, don’t miss it.  It’s right next to Fin’s at the Bank of America stop on the BC shuttle.  And if you follow my advice, you too can become a Chill addict!  Or, at the very least, have an exceptionally good fro-yo experience!

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Kathryn Fox is a senior at Boston College, majoring in International Studies. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, she loves Boston but struggles with the cold weather! Kathryn is involved in teaching ESL classes, interning in BC's museum, and volunteering. She loves to travel and spent her junior year studying abroad in Morocco and South Africa. In her free time, Kathryn enjoys reading Jane Austen novels, baking, and watching trashy TV with her roommates. After graduation, she is returning to Oklahoma to work for Teach for America.