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Things We Don’t Have Time For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Between going to classes, working, and trying to maintain some sort of social life, there are certain things we just don’t have time for! Life gets crazy enough without all these small, yet significant setbacks getting in our way. Here’s a list of things that make us say, “I do not have time for this [insert eye-roll].”

Long lines

Getting lunch in Eagles or dinner in Lower is a dangerous game that needs to be analyzed and strategized. Never go to Eagles five minutes before the hour. Never get dinner at Lower between 5:30 and 7:45! These are the tricks we use to try to avoid those seemingly endless lines that we DO NOT have time for. Let’s not even mention the lines for the Maloney elevator…

Slow walkers

Everyone talks about roadrage, but nobody ever mentions sidewalk rage. I’m the person you see power-walking EVERYwhere and I wholeheartedly believe that sidewalks need fast lanes and slow lanes. I don’t have time to get stuck behind those who mosey and shuffle from place to place, especially when they travel in packs. Do your thing, slow walkers, but please be aware of your surroundings.

Group projects

We don’t have time to meet with seven other people in a not-so-neutral location at a time that somehow fits all of our schedules. We also don’t have time to pick up others’ slack that often comes with group projects. We get the lessons you’re trying to teach us, but please stop!

Busy work

Admittedly, most assignments from professors have a clear and reasonable purpose. Some assignments, however, are seemingly pointless and insignificant– assignments that make us wonder what we’re supposed to be learning or taking from them. We don’t have time for assignments that serve no purpose other than to be graded. Please respect that we have many other classes and more important work to be doing than busy work.

Unreliable buses

Having an intercampus bus system is great, but it’s considerably less useful when we can’t rely on the departure times we’re given. How many times have we been waiting at Conte thinking, “Should I keep waiting for this bus or start walking now?” We don’t have time to wonder whether or not the bus will arrive and leave on time!

Fun, time for ourselves, sleep, breathing

Midterms, papers, and other endless responsibilities leave almost no time to do anything else! Twenty four hours in a day is simply not enough!

For the sake of our valuable time, try to avoid any and all of these inconveniences. As far as making time for yourself, don’t forget how important it is to unwind sometimes! Catch some z’s when you can and keep going!

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Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.