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Things I Dislike about the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


I’ll be completely honest here – I love the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.  I think it is a great excuse to spend a night stuffing your face with cookies, while you and all your friends swear you’re going to start your diets tomorrow.  That being said, there are some things I really cannot stand about the show.  Here we go:

  1. The inevitable rush of girls that will be at the Plex for the next week.
  2. The incessant Facebook statuses.
  3. The Facebook event invites, such as “VS FASHION SHOW VIEWING PARTY ’12!!!!”  Sure, I’ll attend.  Is it BYOSL?  (Bring Your Own Self Loathing).
  4. Justin Bieber, Bruno Mars and Rihanna.  I mean, come on, really?
  5. JBiebs’ silver gloves.  Yum.  Ps. Aren’t your fingers cold?  Brr.
  1. That moment when my 5’ 4” stature now makes me feel like an ant.
  2. The fact that I will now, without a doubt, try to start wearing heels.  (Spoiler alert: this will probably result in a broken ankle or two.)
  1. The deep sadness I feel when someone reminds me the Angels will never be able to enjoy any of the food I am eating.  Don’t worry, friends, I can eat enough for all of us.
  2. When I have to do some self-affirmations.  (“These sweat pants look great!  Man, I’m glad I didn’t wash the spilled coffee off my sweatshirt today – it looks so unique!  Snuggies are totally sexy.”)
  3. That friend.  You know the one.  “That model is sooooo not even that pretty.  I’m definitely prettier than her, right?!”  Uh huh… you bet…
  4. Professors, in fact, do not accept “I did not do my homework because I was busy watching the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show” as a valid excuse.  Whatever.
  5. What exactly was Rihanna wearing…?  In case you didn’t notice, she only had one earring in.  And it really bothered me.  Throughout the entire performance.
  1. Hey Biebs, awesome puffy white vest.  I bet that’s why all the preteen ladies love you.
  2. When the models describe what they look for in a man.  Just stop.
  3. Some of the “outfits” scared me.
  4. How heavy are those wings?
  5. I fell asleep during Bruno.  So, there’s that.
  1. Getting unnecessarily aggressive with my guy friends.  “You think she’s so pretty, huh?  Well, you’re no Tom Brady, either!”
  2. Wait, I can walk like a model, too!  (Proceeds to trip and fall, crushing not only all those in the surrounding area, but also any glimmer of hopes and dreams.)
  3. When you notice you own something one of the models is wearing, and then your mind immediately starts playing “Who wore it better?” Hint: Not you…
  4. Seriously, though, who needs cleavage?  I have a great personality.
  5. Subconsciously practicing my smize… and deciding that I rocked it.  Thanks, Tyra, every single episode of America’s Next Top Model, and years of practice.
  1. $2.5 million for a bra?  That’s casual, I guess.  Paying off college loans is overrated, anyways.
  2. When the models make an ugly face and I think “I should Snapchat a face like that!” but then I realize I can’t pull it off.  And then the Snapchat scares all my friends.
  3. Have I mentioned Justin Bieber yet? 

So, there we have it.  Am I impressed by Victoria’s Secret’s ability to transform any body, debatably even that of a twelve-year-old boy’s, into a show stopping bombshell?  Of course.  Would I give a limb to be an Angel?  Probably.  (Side note: I most definitely would not give up the cookies/ donuts/ chocolate I am eating as I write this.  Priorities, ladies.)  However, do I hate Justin Bieber even more?  Yes, yes I do. Do I love complaining above all else?  Well, duh.  That’s just the way it is.  I hope you thoroughly enjoyed my rant, and remember, there’s nothing wrong with wallowing in self-pity and froyo for a few days.  Happens to the best of us.


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Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.