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Spice Up Your Study Breaks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

We have all been there.  You’ve been staring at those textbook pages and class notes for what seems like days and you are just not retaining any of the information you are reading.  Rather than just logging on to Facebook or Twitter like we so often do, try some of these procrastination methods to free yourself from those studying struggles!


Clean: It may not be the most fun thing to do but it is something that needs to be done.  Instead of making cleaning a chore, make it fun.  Throw on some music grab a dust buster and dance your way through some of your favorite tunes.  Don’t forget to wipe the dust off of the furniture.  Did you know that dust actually poses health risks?  That little cold you have could be a result of the dust collecting in your dorm room.

Do laundry: Has that pile of laundry been staring at you for a few days now?  Why not step away from the books for a little and tackle it.  A walk out of your room, the lounge or from the library might be just what you need for when you regroup.  This will also give you two more breaks when you have to put your clothes into the dryer and then from the dryer back to your room.


Make a playlist: If you’re still pregaming to the same songs from January or have had the same workout playlist since last semester it might be time for a playlist update!  Push the books aside and turn up the volume on your computer.  Find songs that fit the mood of the setting in which it will be playing.

Dance party in your room: While you’re making that playlist, don’t be afraid to start dancing with the music.  Grab your roommate(s) and be completely goofy!  Not only are you going to be avoiding your work for a while but you’ll also be getting out some of your pent up energy which might be making concentrating difficult.


Learn an instrument: Or if you already play one, go practice!  Have you been wishing you could play guitar since your roommate brought hers to school?  The music department offers music lessons for a fee per semester or you can teach yourself.  Ask a friend who knows how to play an instrument to teach you.  You can also find online lessons for almost any instrument you are interested in learning.  Lyons 4th floor has practice studios available to students.


Do your nails: Do you ever look down at your nails and think, “I should probably get my nails done?”  Well, why not use this as a reason to take a break from those piles of books?  Splurge and get yourself a manicure and pedicure or, if you are on a tight budget like most of us are, do them yourself!  Either way your nails will be ready for spring with a fresh coat of polish on them.


Check the stats of your favorite sports team: Haven’t been able to follow the NHL as closely as you’d like because of all the work you have?  Behind on Celtics games this season?  Catch up on your favorite teams’ standings when you decide you cannot handle the workload anymore.


Grab coffee with someone from class: If you ask a person from class to get some coffee, your conversation will most likely drift to the lecture you had to day.  From this you can gain an insight into the topic that you hadn’t thought about before.  So while you may see this as avoiding those books on your desk, this coffee could help you do better on your next test.  Ask the hottie who you’ve had your eye on since the first day and who knows, you may have reason to grab coffee together more often!

Create a Fitness Routine: By changing up your normal fitness routine, you can target different areas on your body to get toned all over.  If you need the motivation to work out, this could be it!  Reenergize yourself by figuring out a workout that works for you and make it a goal to stick with it.


Read Her Campus: You’re reading it right now!  Why not go explore what other people are talking about on campuses around the world!



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Alana is currently a junior at Boston College studying Communications and marketing. She is the Publicity director and events coordinator for Her Campus BC as well as being a part of the editorial team. 
Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.