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Sneakers with Style: You No Longer Have to Sacrifice Comfort for Fashion

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


So you see the word “sneakers.”  What do you think?

Come on.  Think.

Gym, sports, and athleticism are probably some of the words, or related to the ones, in your brain. 

While this is correct on some level, sneakers are so much more than this.  There is not just one ubiquitous sneaker.  Different sneakers have different purposes.  Anyone who has played on a field or a court can tell you that.  A soccer cleat and a track shoe are two totally different things.

Having said that, different sneakers can be worn with different parts of your wardrobe.  No longer is there the day in which you only wear sneakers whenever you are going from the class to the gym or vice versa.  Instead, you can own a variety of sneakers (which are incredibly comfortable) and include them in your everyday wardrobe without looking unfashionable.


Originally a basketball shoe, these trainers (as the British call them) can be worn with a variety of fashions.  Also know as chucks, they can be paired with skirts or with jeans.  You can buy the classic black sneaker or go wilder by choosing a bright blue pair.  The Converse website even gives you the option to design your own!  You can then choose from a variety of colors and patterns to create your own.

Hiking Sneakers

These kicks are not your typical sneaker and are probably not on your radar unless you spend copious amounts of time in outdoor adventures.  These shoes are great for campus, providing comfort and support especially with all of the stairs (which are practically mountains) on campus.  While many do come in fairly natural (as in nature, not tan or white) tones, they provide the perfect combination with the colors for fall, winter, spring, and even summer.


Although these shoes are pretty much the same as high tops, there is one difference, namely their height.  These shoes are nice because they are easy to just slip on and are still cute and adorable.  Also, if you buy Converse, you can design your own shoe from a variety of colors and patterns to create one that fits your personality and style.


Perhaps the only thing easier than putting slip-ons on would be sliding into sandals.  Slip-ons are nice shoes because they can literally be thrown on and worn with pretty much anything.  They come in a variety of colors and patterns.  If you like bright colors and geometric black-and-white patterns, I would suggest Vans.  If you want to be more socially conscience, you can buy Toms because when you buy a pair, a child in need gets one.  So, it’s a win-win.

Running Sneakers

Although they are sometimes called runners, most people are familiar with these shoes.  These sneakers come in a variety of colors and styles to serve even the brightest of personalities.  There are many different brands that you can shop from and a variety of sports stores to buy them from.  While you may have to run to class, who says that you can’t do it in style? 

Platform Sneakers

As to whether these shoes are truly sneakers, that is still up for debate.  However, if one ignores the platform and the occasional heel, they look like other sneakers.  Having said that, this would be a great shoe to wear out at night.  You have the comfort of a sneaker, the height of a heel, and the stability of a platform.  They save your feet from a world a pain when you get back to your room.

Different sneakers can be worn in different ways.  They are not just limited to the gym or a run around the reservoir anymore.  So, now that you have some ideas about various sneakers and ideas for outfits, pull those shoes out of the bottom of the rack or closet, pair them with a cute outfit, and head to class or out for the night!  Not only will you look sweet, but your feet will thank you.

Danica is a senior at Boston College and is a History major with an Irish Studies minor.  She is originally from Greenwich, CT and moved to East Boothbay, ME.  She is also a member of Boston College Irish Dance and the Shaw Leadership Program.  And last but not least is a fiery redhead who lives in a dragon-guarded castle surrounded by a boiling lake of lava! But don't let that cool you off. She's a loaded pistol who likes piña coladas and getting caught in the rain. Yours for the rescuing: Princess Danica!  (And yes, that is a quote from Shrek...)
Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.