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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

It’s that dreadful time of the year when we study nonstop day and night for that last chance to solidify or improve our grades. The only way to get through finals is lots of coffee and snacks. You don’t want to worry about being hungry or leaving the library in the cold weather, so be prepared by bringing with you the ultimate collection of snacks. Here is a guide featuring some of the best snack options.

For those of you who are health-conscious:

You can’t go wrong with the basics like bananas, apples, grapes, carrots, etc. But if you want to switch things up, try pretzels with peanut butter inside (from Trader Joe’s), rice crackers with peanut butter, turkey jerky, or Laughing Cow light cheese with wheat crackers. Also, don’t forget the staple snacks like PB&J sandwiches, nuts, or yogurt and granola. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself with a little dark chocolate.

For those that need naughty treats:

You can go with anything from Oreos to your favorite type of potato chips. Chocolate croissants are my personal favorite. Also, you could be semi healthy and naughty at the same time by getting chocolate covered almonds, pretzels, or raisins. Or instead of a PB&J, go for a Nutella sandwich. Stop by Dunkin’ Donuts and pick up some delicious munchkin doughnuts to share with friends… or just for yourself. Gummies or sour candies are always a fun choice, too.

Good luck on finals!


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum