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Sick of Restaurants? New Date Ideas!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Some people love restaurants and for good reason. They’re fun, a chance to get into the city, and a guarantee that you won’t have to eat the Lower grilled chicken for the fifth night in a row. Despite the benefits though, going to a restaurant can be expensive and with the wrong person, the worst two hours of your life.

So here are some fun, non-restaurant date ideas!

Aquarium! You can see some penguins or sea lions, walk around the big tank, and even pet a stingray! It’s cheap, fun, gets you outside, and all the fish are a great conversation starter which means no awkward silences!

Indoor Rock Climbing! There is outdoor rock climbing but we never know how long the snow and cold weather will last so indoor is a safer bet. It’s a good workout and super fun. Also no awkward pauses when you reach the top, only bragging rights.

Cross Country Skiing! Now I know what you’re thinking: where the hell do you go cross country skiing in Boston? Well on a golf course, of course! About twenty minutes west of Chestnut Hill, they have rentals and you have to buy a park pass so it’s pricier than the aquarium but still cheaper than dinner. Plus it’s a great workout! (Tip: dress in layers because in the sun, it gets hot!)

Ice Skating! Frog Pond in Boston Commons is a cheap but fun idea for a date. Also, you can always use your klutziness as an excuse to say a cheesy pick up line. Tumble into his arms? “Guess I fell for you!”

Hope theses ideas prove to be fun, free of awkwardness, and a great memory!


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Kelsey Damassa is in her senior year at Boston College, majoring in Communications and English. She is a native of Connecticut and frequents New York City like it is her job. On campus, she is the Campus Correspondent for the Boston College branch of Her Campus. She also teaches group fitness classes at the campus gym (both Spinning and Pump It Up!) and is an avid runner. She has run five half-marathons as well as the Boston Marathon. In her free time, Kelsey loves to bake (cupcakes anyone?), watch Disney movies, exercise, read any kind of novel with a Starbucks latte in hand, and watch endless episodes of "Friends" or "30 Rock."