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The Reality of the Mid-Semester Slump

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

These days, I feel like all I hear is people talking about stress. People are getting slammed with assignments, midterms, projects, commitments from other activities, and there just aren’t enough hours in the day to complete it all. Expectations are higher than ever and stress makes it more difficult to be positive. At times, I feel as if I won’t even survive to see the next week. Trust me, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, I can assure you that we’ve all been there and that it’s no fun. As these busy and rather tough few weeks come our way, it’s important to keep other people in mind as we go on with our lives. With so much on our minds all the time, we can sometimes forget to be considerate. Remember to do the little things like saying hi to people, asking how they are doing, and trying to really be attentive to your friends and roommates. 

If you feel like you are the only one struggling, know that you are not alone. Once the grand excitement of moving into school is over, we reach a bit of a dip in the road; a time where we are beyond exhausted. With Thanksgiving so far away and summer already pretty far behind us, I feel like I always get stuck in a little mid-semester slump around this time of year. This year especially, I feel like I’ve reached this slump particularly early. Maybe its from me joking about old age, but I can most definitely say that I’ve had way too many almost-meltdowns considering the fact that I’ve only gone through half the semester. It feels like tomorrow should be winter break…  

The reality of a slump is tough. You may feel like you’re running out of steam or that you cannot possibly write another paper or take another exam. It’s beyond discouraging to look through a syllabus and realize that you have two more papers and a few more exams in a class that has already cost you your sanity. The slump can make us drag ourselves out of bed in the morning and go on autopilot. It’s hard to enjoy learning or to be enthusiastic about studies (haha) when all you’re concerned about is making it through the week. 

As we all persevere through the mid-semester slump, let us remember to be considerate of people as we all have a lot going on, even if it comes in the form of different workloads. It’s important to ask people how they are doing and to be attentive to those around us as they might be stressed as well. It’s ok to be stressed because it happens to the best of us.

Best of luck during mid term season, y’all.







Nursing student at BC who loves coffee, country music, the state of Maryland, and anything pink.
Molly is a senior at Boston College studying Communication and Political Science. She is currently a Campus Corespondent for Her Campus BC and is looking forward to writing articles! She loves to travel, hangout with her friends, and go on adventures. Her mantra is "If you are always trying to be normal, you'll never know how amazing you can be" - Maya Angelou.