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An Open Letter to My Childhood Crush

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Dear Childhood Crush,

You probably have no idea how quickly my heart was beating that day you picked chubby, little me for your gym soccer team. You probably have no idea how much I begged my mom to let me shop at the Limited Too to impress you. You probably have no idea how many times I wrote my name with yours in my diary.

One fateful day, in Mrs. Mosher’s first grade classroom a young, selectively mute me was about to take a seat. Out of nowhere you came in and pulled the chair right out from under me. Immediately, I was falling. I was falling in love as I was falling to the ground.

It should be noted that another significant factor in my decision to love you was your last name. Naturally, at this age as soon as I developed a crush I would imagine my first name with his last. My name is very symmetrical, a fact I was extremely aware of as a young girl. I have five letters in my first name, five in my middle name, and ten in my last name. Because of this it was essential that Mr. Right had five or ten letters in his last name. Of course you, First-Grade Dream Boy, did. It was fate. We were destined for true love.

This love only blossomed as the year went on. The day I found out that you knew my name was one for the books. Being an awkwardly tall, painfully silent first-grader, this moment was monumental. Of course my response to your “Hey Alana” probably consisted of a spazzy wave, a silent “hi”, and a spontaneous speed walk in the opposite direction.

I wanted to take a moment to remind you of the various unrecognized acts of flirtation I sent your way. When I put two pink, heart stickers on the valentine that I made for you that was not an accident. In my mind that clearly meant “I LIKE like you.” When I let you into my elite cartwheel club, it was not because you were a skilled gymnast, which you certainly were not, but because my love goggles blinded me from your blatant lack of talent. When I brought in Pirates of the Caribbean as my favorite movie for show-and-tell, it was not because I liked it more than The Cheetah Girls, but because I read in Tiger Beat that relationships sprout from a common interest.

Finally, I would like to thank you as you are still my favorite crush of all time. I learned young what Sheryl Crow always knew.  The first cut really is the deepest. You will always hold a significant spot in my heart. If only you knew when you stole that chair, that you were stealing my heart.

With love always,








Alana is a Senior at Boston College studying Math and Economics. She spent a semester studying in London and traveling throughout Europe. A movie, music, and milk chocolate enthusiast she spends her time quoting Leslie Knope, tagging her friends in puppy instagrams, and taking pictures of her food.
Blake is a senior at Boston College and is pursuing Biology and Pre-Med, as well as the perfect slice of pizza. She is so excited to be a co-Campus Correspondent along with Emily this year! As well as being a writer for Her Campus BC, she is also a member of the Girls Club Lacrosse team, the Public Health Club, and is a physics tutor on campus.