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Open Letter to the Guy Upstairs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Listen, I hope you understand when I say I just can’t be friends with someone like you. Things were great in the beginning and pretty convenient given we lived in the same dorm. The late night texting, study seshes, giggling, cuddling, smiles, compliments; all the simple things girls love. You made me so happy and completely changed the end of the year for me. Everything just seemed so easy. We would talk about our past and about our futures. We both had our own struggles, but we were there for each other as support systems. Unfortunately though, I wasn’t necessarily expecting what happened next.

I started to trust you. Yeah, me: the girl who hadn’t trusted a guy since she had her heart broken in high school. Congratulations for that! I would have never hurt you, never lied to you. For once, I really felt I had someone who felt the same way. Of course, I probably should have picked up on some of the red flags such as the excessive partying, or the drug use, or the aggression. Honestly, it was easier to block those things out because I really wanted to believe that this time would be different. Typical girl. But then, as I should have expected, the lies came.

At first I convinced myself that you really were just busy, and you were not seeing anyone else. But come on, letting her post pictures on Instagram? Really dude! You had to have known I wasn’t that naïve. Your excuses were really cute though. I think what hurt the most though was when all this ended and we agreed to be just friends you still managed to lie to my face. Seriously? You can still play me like that after basically begging me to stay? I don’t think so. That is no way to treat anyone, especially a close friend.

So this is my goodbye. Thank you for all that you taught me. You’ve taught me I only need to surround myself with people who respect me and that looks aren’t everything!  Sometimes people are in your life to serve a purpose for a little while. I realize that’s what you were to me. Sure, getting over you has been hard, especially since I see you everywhere with your new girl. Every time I walk past your door, the memories come back. At times I want what we had again, but I know it is too late for us. In the end, all of this has only made me so much stronger; so thank you for that too! I hope you find happiness; I know that I can now. In life, I guess some things are just better left in the lounge… or a different dorm!


Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum