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An Ode to Nail Polish

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Oh nail polish. Where would we be without you?

With your variety of color, there is certainly one to match any outfit.

From the simple, light pink hues of Essie’s Ballet Slippers and OPI’s Don’t Burst My Bubble, to the bright red of Old Blightly from butter London.

From the browns worn in fall, to the deep purples worn in winter.

The periwinkle shades of spring and fluorescent colors of summer.

Green for St. Patrick’s Day,

Red, white, and blue for the Fourth of July,

Black and orange on Halloween.

Bright or dull, matte or glossy, subtle or wild.

Do I do a different color on one nail? Do I add a design? Do I stay with a solid color? Do I go French? And then there is now the option of gel!

Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming how many nail polish colors are out there. Every season a new line comes out and a whole new world is explored.

Even the slightest change in one color, making it darker or lighter, can make our decision a lot more difficult.

From OPI to Essie, from butter to Wet n’ Wild and Sally Hansen, there are so many options, so many combinations, so many shades! No matter what the occasion or our mood, there is always a color that we can use. The problem is making up our mind!


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Alana is currently a junior at Boston College studying Communications and marketing. She is the Publicity director and events coordinator for Her Campus BC as well as being a part of the editorial team. 
Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum