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Not to Take for Granted: 100 BC Things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

I’m sure you’ve heard of the “1000 Awesome Things” blog or seen “Just Little Things” on Tumblr. They pay tribute to those special things we take for granted, or the everyday things that we often overlook. It is important to take the time to appreciate what you have or to let something small brighten your day.

“Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things” – Frank A. Clark

1. Gasson
2. Having a mod
3. When only the 4th floor button is pushed in the Hillside elevator
4. People watching from the loft in Lower
5. Getting a table in Hillside
6. When you find an open elliptical/treadmill at the Plex at peak hours
7. Getting to the Chocolate Bar before a line forms
8. First class in the morning is cancelled
9. Only class of the day is cancelled
10. Getting into a class you have been waiting for
11. When the bus gets to the stop right when you get there
12. Ana making your wrap in Eagle’s Nest
13. When someone holds the door so you don’t have to swipe into your dorm
14. A day without Professors and Pastries or Parking Advisory emails
15. Getting thrown in the air at a football game
16. When the football team actually scores so you can be thrown in the air
17. When the football team actually wins a game
18. Getting on the Jumbotron
19. Seeing everyone you know at Lower late night on the weekends
20. Eagle beach on the first warm day in March
21. Getting the last pizza at late night
22. Getting an extra big handful of frips at Hillside
23. When the B line goes express to BC
24. Package notification emails

25. When the milkshake machine is working
26. The Beanpot
27. Working out and then going to Addie’s
28. Being able to use Dining Bucks at the Chocolate Bar during finals
27. Finding the mod you are looking for
28. Marathon Monday
29. When the bus doesn’t wait at Conte
30. October 15: when you are allowed put up Christmas lights
31. Pretending to be Harry Potter while studying in Bapst
32. The one time that Beans, Creams and Dreams is open
33. St. Patrick’s Day
34. Theme nights in the dining halls
35. Squeezing into the Maloney elevator
36. Avoiding the BC Lookaway for an entire day
37. The bus driver that plays music on the weekends
38. Catching the 2 am bus back to campus (or Newton)
39. Hearing the first lines to “Shipping Up to Boston” at games
40. Hockey

41. Getting a good class registration time
42. Getting an 8-man pick time sophomore year
43. Doug Flutie Likes Girls
44. Actually being invited to a mod
45. Tailgating
46. Finding an empty study room at O’Neill during finals
47. When they sell bread and berries in the dining hall
48. Getting to the top of the Million Dollar Stairs
49. When you push the correct side of the Robsham doors on your first try
50. Seeing your friends after being abroad
51. The Res
52. Seeing small children on campus
53. Watching videos in class
54. Sexual Chocolate shows
55. Any event with free food
56. Free t-shirts
57. Discovering the pictures you took on your phone from the night before
58. Making a new friend
59. Taking a picture with Baldwin
60. Che Chi’s
61. Not having class in Carney
62. When the Comm Ave bus is already at the Res stop when you get off the T
63. Finding out that your favorite restaurant delivers
64. Random free food in the quad
65. Shouting “WE ARE” in public and getting a response
66. Empty washer in the laundry room
67. No line for a printer in O’Neill
68. Running into your OL on campus
69. When your room is actually a comfortable temperature
70. Finding your ID when you “lost” it
71. When an underclassman with a meal plan buys you food
72. Chocolate fondue nights
73. The last minute of class on a Friday
74. Food you can get in the Rat and no where else on campus
75. Using Eagle Bucks off campus
76. Gasson at night

77. Music playing for dinner in Mac
78. When the stairs between Mac and Stokes are open
79. Getting into a party no questions asked
80. Grilling in the mods
81. Jerry York
82. Getting to late night at 1:59
83. The “broccoli of death” statue
84. Finding the correct cubicle in Maloney
85. Being first in line after fresh batch of food is brought out
86. Having a TA that speaks English coherently
87. Having a hot TA
88. When the hot chocolate/cappuccino machine isn’t just water
89. Strip Mod
90. Dorita
91. Returning to Agora to find that you are not logged out
92. Getting out of class early
93. Doug Flutie
94. Stalking classmate roster and finding friends in your class
95. Getting approval for a registered party
96. The ERC
97. When no one takes your laundry out if you forgot to get it
98. Easter break
99. Getting an extension on a paper
100. When a new HC BC article is posted!

Do you have a Little Thing to add that we didn’t think of? Let us know!!

Photo Sources:


Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.