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NFL Game Days: Why You Should Be Excited for Sundays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

For as long as I remember, I have woken up on fall Sunday afternoons in my home in Chicago to the sounds of ESPN SportsCenter. From upstairs, I could always hear the roar of a crowd, the booming voice of the sideline reporter, and the popping of popcorn in the microwave. And for someone who doesn’t know my family, it is easy to assume that the popcorn and increasing volume is occurring due to the hands of my father or older brother. But when I grab my Chicago Bears jersey and hop down the stairs, it is to plop down next to the biggest football fan of the household: my mother.

I can’t lie to you though; it isn’t that my mom and I are eager to see how many interceptions the Packers throw or to see if Jay Cutler gets his act together that day. Sometimes, we get up on Sundays just to see Drew Brees exist (we have a huge crush on him and his adorable son). Nevertheless, NFL game days are an experience in my house, and I argue an important study break for every BC student on Sundays.

Sundays are no longer just for the guys.

For me, there is nothing like seeing my guy friends on game-days. There is something about seeing male testosterone at its finest, screaming at a television set and being so passionate about something that could seem so trivial, that makes games an important social event and something I look forward to every week. Whether it is your boyfriend, your crush, or just your best guy friend on campus, seeing a BC bro pull out their Patriots footie pajamas, or those lucky Giants socks they refuse to wash until good ol’ Eli gets them to another Super Bowl, watching the game with the boys is something you don’t want to miss.

Not to mention that you get to spend two and a half hours watching beautiful, beautiful men play a sport in high-definition television and really tight pants. I am all about the Patriots, and not because I go to BC, but because Tom Brady is a dreamboat and I have a legitimate love affair with Wes Welker. And BC is heavily represented in the NFL, (Luke Kuechly anyone? Just come back to campus so I can hug you), and it is awesome to be able to enjoy a game and show school pride at the same time.

At BC, not only are Sunday games a reason for me to further procrastinate, but they also can be a nice study break and a reason for me to get out of my CoRowdy quad in Williams and into a lovely, open 8-man in Walsh with a flat screen. Any change of scenery is welcome from the quiet floor in O’Neill, so why not spend that time with your favorite people, and for me, my favorite foods?

To the guy who orders me pizza, gets me chips and dip and watches the game with me, we can date now.

And if you need further convincing, the Super Bowl is beyond awesome. It’s a top five collegiette social event in my book, a spectacle to behold, and if you still don’t get it, Beyonce is performing at halftime this year, and my fingers are crossed for a Destiny’s Child reunion.

All kidding aside, football is an example of work ethic, and being a football fan has made me a much more well-rounded individual. When I find myself at awkward family reunions or in groups of adults or guys I don’t know, I can keep up with the athletic banter. This not only shows people that I am paying attention to the NFL, which has become a legitimate part of our pop culture, but it is an essential conversation starter for possible business connections.

I will never back down from an excuse to represent Chicago, and NFL game days are one of the best opportunities I have to yell at others about how my hometown is better than theirs. So get out of your room this Sunday and be a part of the action. And if you still don’t get it, there is always hockey season.

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Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.