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My Most Embarrassing Moments at Boston College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


I’m in my third year at Boston College, so you could definitely say I’ve had my fair share of awkward moments.  Here are just a few:

  1. It all started freshman year, my first week of class when my professor didn’t have enough syllabi for the class.  And when I say “class,” I mean a 200-something person lecture.  So, my professor told me to email him asking for a copy of the syllabus.  Being a clueless freshman, I went on Agora Portal and went “OOOOOOOOOH QUICKMAIL!” and sent an email to the entire class.  I spent my entire week getting unwarranted, hostile emails from my classmates who were almost offended I thought they were my professor.  I still cringe at that memory. Why didn’t he just leave his syllabus on Blackboard like everyone else?
  1. This next moment has been an ongoing struggle where for some reason I feel a magnetic force pulling me towards the men’s room in the Rat.  I’m clearly not a guy and I have no particular desire to go to the men’s room but for some reason I always gravitate towards it, to the point that I’ve probably opened that door and walked in there 3 to 4 times.  I’m starting to think I should give up going to the Rat altogether.  Thoughts anyone?
  1. Dear Gasson, please fix the lock situation in the bathroom. No, it’s not as bad as you think… no one opened the door on me in the bathroom. However, in a rush to get to class and go to the bathroom I threw open the door to the single-person bathroom exposing some unsuspecting human.  I’M SO SORRY!
  1. For my Religious Quest class, I had to go to a mass I normally wouldn’t go to. So I went to the mass on Upper.  I checked online to be sure of the time and it did say 6 p.m. (even though apparently it started at 5 p.m.).  So it was 5:55 p.m., here I thought I would only be 3 minutes late, and I’m running through the rain.  Finally, I’ve reached my location of interest and I bang the door open in excitement of my arrival.  I was so excited to arrive that I seem to have forgotten my rain boots were soaked that I slipped and fell down the ENTIRE staircase catching everyone’s attention.  Not only did I walk in an hour late to mass, but I also caused a huge disruption.  Why couldn’t I have been a smidge more discrete?
  1. I’m not sure what went through my mind as a freshman, but for some reason I thought college equaled a pajama free for all.  Therefore, I felt compelled to roam the halls of my dorm decked out in boxer shorts, unflattering t-shirts, and slippers—SO HOT, RIGHT?  Sometimes I even extended my domain and made trips to Stuart (the dining hall on Newton) IN PAJAMAS!  Of course I would run into the guy I was talking to, looking like a not-hot mess. 
  1. At the risk of leaving this list at a random number, I’m going to share my all-time favorite awkward moment.  Laundry has and always will be an issue for me. I will put it off for so long that doing laundry becomes a 3-4 hour-long event. Thankfully my best friend was on the same page as me.  When we were having our usual “Occupy Walsh Laundry Room” movement (AKA doing our laundry) we started joking around and I started doing a strange dance and singing “IT’S LAUNDRY TIME!” Meanwhile, my best friend put her hamper on her head and started walking around.  When I turn around, someone had walked into the laundry room.  SOMEONE HAD WITNESSED US BEING UBER WEIRD.  And by someone I mean my next-door neighbor who I had just met. So I just said, “hey, um did you see that?” to which he responded “uh, yeah.” Oh well.

All of us can be awkward and weird (maybe some more than others), but I say embrace these uncomfortable moments because they are actually hilarious and part of being in college.  I for one, hope I never stop being silly.  Although, I do really hope I stop going into the wrong bathrooms.


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum