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Movies that Never Get Old

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


There is no feeling like watching a movie for the first time. When you re-watch it, you think it’s never going to be the same. But there are a handful of movies that really never get old. You can watch them over and over again for years and they are always just as good. Here’s a list I put together of my favorite movies that just never get old:


1. Love Actually: Okay so in the spirit of Christmas I had to put this movie first. But despite the holiday season, this will always be one of my favorite movies. No matter what’s going on in my life, it always manages to leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling after watching it. And who doesn’t love a chick-flick every now and then? By capturing the many love stories of different types of families and couples, Love Actually demonstrates that there are so many different types of love to be found.

2. Mean Girls: “Get in loser, we’re going shopping.” It’s funny how this movie came out almost ten years ago and my friends and I can still recite all of the lines perfectly. Nothing was more exciting for me in calculus than when I could yell out “THE LIMIT DOES NOT EXIST!” Mean Girls managed to capture the pettiness of high school so perfectly that it’s a movie anyone can appreciate, over and over again.

3. Harry Potter: And when I say Harry Potter I mean the entire saga. You can’t even begin to imagine my excitement when ABC Family plays that weekend long Harry Potter marathon. Goodbye social life! But seriously, Harry Potter is a part of every kid from our generation.


4. The Parent Trap So I promise it’s not Throwback Thursday but I had to put this movie on my list. It was the first movie I ever watched obsessively. When I was little, I had a count going on how many times my best friend and I had watched it. I think I lost track at 83 or something. To my surprise, HBO was playing this gem one morning and instead of reviewing for my final I watched it. It was so worth it. PS has anyone noticed that Lindsay Lohan made my list twice?

5. School of Rock “You’re tacky and I hate you!” Not only do I love how absolutely hilarious this movie is but also, I love how they picked such a unique storyline. Okay yeah, maybe the ending was a bit predictable but it’s hard to find movies like this nowadays. Dewey Finn (played by Jack Black) takes a group of what you would think are boring kids and shows how incredibly awesome they are. This movie is always fun to watch.


So whether you are taking a break from studying or you’re already home and relaxing, watch some of your old favorite movies. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum