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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Whether it is her kind heart, her addicting laugh, her love for sports or her deep involvement in school, Rachel Fagut is a sweetheart among the senior class.  Rachel is involved in so many great clubs across campus yet always manages to give herself time for friends and fun!  Smiles, sincerity and Syracuse are perfect ways to describe this BC Cutie!!

The Basics

Name:  Rachel Fagut

Hometown:  Syracuse, NY

School/Year:  CSOM/2014

Major:  Accounting and General Management


BC Life

Activities/Clubs:  President of Women in Business, Co-Founder of the Boston College Portfolio Challenge (BCPC), Co-Chair of the Elections Committee, 4Boston Volunteer at the West End House Boys and Girls Club, Arrupe El Salvador

Best class:  PULSE with McMenamin

Worst class:  Tie between Calculus and Micro

Bapst or O’Neill:  First floor, by the printers, in O’Neill

Favorite place to eat:  Hillside Breakfast, Eagle’s Lunch, and Addie’s Dinner


Favorite family vacation:  Road tripping cross-country with my dad after freshman year.  We stopped in Las Vegas for my birthday, and he surprised me with tickets to the Blue Man Group!

Fun fact:  I went to Atlanta for the Final Four last year, snuck into the Syracuse student section, shoved my way to the front row, and ended up on ESPN a few times.

Favorite movie:  Pride and Prejudice

Celeb crush:  Heath Ledger

Dream job:  Probably doing Sales for Google in London

Favorite BC sport:  Basketball

Favorite hangout spot on campus:  Upstairs of Lower, though I’m a sucker for the Social Work Library as well.

Favorite Song Right Now:  “Best Song Ever” by One Direction

Ideal guy:  A BC alum who is always down to have a heart to heart.  He knows how to make me laugh, is both passionate and driven, and can get along with all four of my sisters.

Advice to freshmen:  Get involved, stay involved, meet a new person every day, and soak up every moment that you have in Chestnut Hill.   


Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum