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Meet Cutie: Troy Vagianelis

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

This future dentist Cutie is guaranteed to put a smile on your face! Whether he’s studying for Orgo or cheering on the Eagles at a hockey game, this self-proclaimed former “King of Upper” is living it up at BC.


The Basics

Name: Troy Vagianelis

Hometown: Guilderland, NY

School/Year: A&S 2016

Major: Biology, Pre-Dental


BC Life

Activities/Clubs: Hellenic Society Secretary, Relay for Life Entertainment Committee Chair, Jemez Service Exchange Program, Pre-Dental Society

Best class:Organic Chemistry. I love Organic Chemistry.”

Worst class: Freshman Writing was really bad. Physiology is really bad. Intermediate Spanish. That’s the worst.”

Bapst or O’Neill: O’Neill- first floor

Favorite place to eat: Eagles

Best meal on campus: Turkey burger with cheddar.

Favorite BC sport: Hockey

Million Dollar Stairs or Hillside elevator: Stairs every morning.

Favorite BC tradition: “Freshman Boat Cruise, I killed it.”

Favorite hangout spot on campus: Spring: Stokes Amphitheatre. Winter: my room


Favorite movie: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Favorite TV show: Game of Thrones, American Horror Story

Favorite song on playlist now: “Timber” by Ke$ha and Pitbull

Favorite artist: One Republic

Favorite book: Let the Great World Spin

Favorite holiday: Christmas

Favorite vacation: Disney cruise

Favorite sports team: NY Giants

The Good Stuff

Biggest pet peeve: When people chew with their mouth open or are loud about it. Slow walkers. Dishonesty.

Most embarrassing moment: I don’t really get embarrassed, but if I was to this is it. So everyone falls on the stairs to Upper, but when I did it I took a girl down with me. It was quite unfortunate and we were almost at the top. If that girl is out there, I really want to apologize.

Fun facts: Born on Thanksgiving. Named after Troy Aikman. I have a birthmark that changes colors in different types of water.

Celeb crush: Jennifer Lawrence

Dream job: Cruise ship dentist.

Ideal date: Anything with beaches.

Deal breakers: Annoying laugh, no sense of humor

Advice to freshmen: “Be yourself no matter what because your friends will come to you. And enjoy the quiet weekends.”

Personal motto: “Brush, rinse, repeat.”


Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum