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Meet Campus Cutie: Caroline Ouimet!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Meet Caroline Ouimet, a senior in the Connell School of Nursing, who loves caring for children on a pediatric oncology floor at Children’s Hospital in Boston. Her 5’2” size can’t contain her huge heart, vibrant personality, and contagious smile. She’s smart, funny, and isn’t afraid to laugh at her embarrassing moments. Here’s more you should know about this Patriot’s loving girl.

The Basics:
Name: Caroline Ouimet
Hometown: Wrentham, Massachusetts
School: CSON
Major: Nursing

The Good:
Favorite BC sport: Football because I love to tailgate. Also, sailing because I live with two sailors!
Favorite day at BC: Marathon Monday
Favorite food: Doritos, steak, whipped cream, and kiwi
Favorite animal: My cat, Oscar
Favorite bathroom on campus: Higgins
Guilty pleasure: Revenge (the tv show, not just revenge)
Bapst or O’Neill: Lower. I hate studying in libraries.
MA’s or Cityside: Both.
Pino’s or Roggies: Pino’s
Favorite music: Country
Fondest memory: Roadtripping out to South Bend for Notre Dame weekend.
Favorite quote: “It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney
One thing you want to do before you die: Travel the world.

The Bad:
Biggest childhood fashion regret: Full bangs until the 7th grade
Most embarrassing moment: The time I crawled out of chemistry class on my hands and knees. Enough said.
Least favorite food: Beans
Music you hate: Screamo

The Dream:
Celebrity guy crush: Cam Gigandet
Celebrity girl crush: Rachel McAdams
Dream job: Working as a pediatric oncology nurse at Children’s Hospital in Boston.
Dream home: Beach house in Newport, Rhode Island with a yacht.
Ideal guy: A guy who is intelligent, makes me laugh, is nice, and smells good.
Ideal date: Going to a Patriots game.
What is one thing guys should know about you: I love to laugh a lot.

What is the best thing about senior year?  Living in the Mods.
Are you single? Yes.
Do you have a senior 5? Maybe.
What is one thing you want to accomplish during your last year here at BC? Make the most memories with my friends.
Any regrets about your BC experience? None whatsoever, except that it could last longer.
Do you have any advice for the underclassmen? Get a mod! And enjoy every moment of college while it lasts.


Melanie is a senior at Boston College. 
Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.