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A Letter to Myself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Dear Self,
I don’t know if I’ve ever formally addressed you before.  I guess I’m always too busy giving advice to other people that I’ve been neglecting you for all these years.  But I’ve been thinking recently, and I have some advice for you.  Now, I know you are notorious for not taking my advice, but this time… really try.   You’ll thank me later.
To start off, why do you spend countless hours doing absolutely nothing on Facebook and Twitter right before you say you’re going to bed?  Is anything productive occurring in those two or so hours?  Unless you count looking at pictures of people from high school and people you-don’t-really-know-but-think-you-do- because-they-always-somehow-end-up-on-your-news-feed productive, my guess is no.  Just go to sleep.  You’ll appreciate it when your alarm goes off at 8 a.m.
Which leads me to your 9 a.m. class.  Just because all the slides are on Blackboard and this is now your third time taking statistics after having taken A.P. statistics, econ stats, and now behavioral stats, does not mean this is an opportunity to slack.  You’ve been doing well so far, but don’t let it get to your head.  Also, it wouldn’t hurt you to make a few friends in that class.  This goes for all of your classes.  Just because you are a junior doesn’t mean you can’t expand your friend group… some of your best friendships have been made through classes.  It may be March now, but its not too late to introduce yourself to the girl who sits next to you almost everyday in your unofficial assigned seats.  Oh and tell the boy in the back row you like his style, it’ll make his day. 
And while we’re on the topic of talking to new people, introduce yourself to that boy who smiles at you every time you see each other even though you’re fairly certain you’ve never met before.  You need to start taking risks.  They may be as simple as introducing yourself to a cute boy or as complicated as telling someone how you really feel.  I know you are afraid to fall but sometimes it’s better to know and have disappointment follow then to never act and always wonder.  It’s the risks you don’t take that you will regret down the road.


But remember, you can always take baby steps first.  Use little everyday occurrences like introducing yourself to a friend of a friend at a party or striking up conversation while in line at Lower as test runs to spark your confidence.  I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you get really awkward at parties and tend not to talk to many people other than your friends.  You really need to stop doing that.  You’ve been getting better lately; I do have to give that to you.  But still… I need you to start giving it your all.  I have faith in you.

There is no need for you to resort back to your shy, quiet high school self in such situations.  I thought you were far past those days.  Be the bubbly girl with the infectious smile I know you are at all times.   But yet, never put the smile on as an act or smile because you think it is what is expected of you.  If you are feeling sad, be sad.  A forced smile can be spotted hundreds of miles away.  Someone once told me to always smile because you never know who may be falling in love with it.  Always remember that.


I know it’s sometimes hard for you to think of someone falling in love with you, but never ever knock yourself down.  Yes, you’ve never had a boyfriend.  Yes, you’ve never even been on a date before, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been people with their eyes set on you.  You’re a pretty cool girl, I don’t know why it’s taken you this long to realize.  But yet, still know that you don’t need the assurance of other people to feel good about yourself.  If I do say so myself, you’ve rocked being single for the past 20 years, 7 months, and 15 days.  Just remember though, when you go out on Friday and Saturday nights, make it about having fun with your friends.  Never go out with expectations.  You’re probably not going to find true love in the Mods or an off campus party in the haze of Natty Light and a soundtrack of “Call Me Maybe.”  But yet, remember… no one likes a giant group of girls.  They’re intimidating.  Some of your best nights have come from breaking away from the rest of the pack.
A few more and then I’ll give you a break I promise.
Make sure you keep up with you’re friends that are abroad and your friends from home.  Just because you are busy doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be a priority.  Oh and call your parents more.  You talked to them more abroad than when you live ten minutes away on campus. 
Stop worrying about what you look like when you run… you look fine.  And if you happen to make eye contact with someone you know in “Boy Land” while you are on the elliptical, just smile at him the first time it happens.  It makes things way less awkward for the remaining 23 minutes of your cardio because you will continue to make eye contact with him.  Now you don’t have to wonder if they actually noticed you or if you just imagined it.
Explore Boston more!!  You’ve lived here your whole life and you still get lost.  People ask you for suggestions of things to do and places to eat all the time and you still don’t have a concrete answer. 
One last thing:  you only have a year and a half left at BC, so make it last!
Love always,

Photo Sources:

Bridgid O'Brien is a senior at Boston College studying psychology. She has been a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Team for the past three years and has been Irish Dancing for fourteen years. She works as a fifth grade teacher's aide in one of the urban Boston middle schools and interned this summer at Massachusetts General Hospital working with children with autism and Asperger's disorder. Bridgid loves working with children and plans to continue onto graduate school for clinical psychology. Bridgid is excited for the year ahead and so excited for what the future holds!
Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.