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Jumping Back into the Swing of Things

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Relishing the last licks of summer isn’t always easy, when back to school commercials start airing on television.  You become a being of split emotion- excited to see your friends at BC, but dreading saying goodbye to your friends at home.  Need I remind you, with a new semester at Boston College comes more rigorous courses and academic pressures… oops time to order those books!  Here are a few tips to keep grounded this upcoming semester, to make some goals for yourself, and most importantly, to stick to them! This is the greatest time of your life, so you might as well take a deep breath, center yourself, work hard, and enjoy the ride!

1. Be prompt
Even though you’re still a college student, you’re also a citizen of the world.  It’s a great skill to learn as you start interviewing for retreats, service trips, or even a job.  Start by getting plenty of sleep at night and give yourself ample time in the morning to get ready.  This way you’re not rushing to class, eating breakfast on the run, or stressing yourself out.  You’ll feel more put together and energized.  Being on time will keep you focused and ready for anything that comes your way!

2. Make a checklist
Forgot you have a presentation today because of that really important club meeting you had yesterday?  Misplace your paper while racing to O’Neill with work to do for another class?  Sometimes professors think that their class is the only thing you have on your plate… an involved collegiette™ knows that this is far from the truth.  If you have a really busy week approaching, try making a checklist of all the things you have to do and prioritize your list from most urgent to least urgent.  You’ll feel accomplished checking something off and less weighed down by all that you have to do!  This way, you’ll stay calm, cool, and collected, rather than forgetful!

3. Stay in touch
Getting wrapped up in academics is easy to do; after all, that’s why we’re at college right?  However, in the midst of your busy lifestyle, don’t forget about that new group of friends you met down the hall moving in.  Also, don’t forget to keep tabs on your true blue friends from home or your family in the midst of your collegiette™ adventures.  It’s so easy to drop a text or give these people a quick call while you’re walking across campus or sitting in the quad reading for class.  Spreading happiness through the wires will put a smile on your face and theirs!  Plus, hearing a familiar voice will power you through the day and make you appreciate being at BC even more.

4. Live in the moment
Try to take every criticism, compliment, and daily task in stride.  Planning ahead is always useful and that’s what your advisors, friends, and professors are for.  Appreciate the meaningful conversations and company.  Be present in the moment in every class, meal, and roommate chat.  That means less texting in Lower while you’re friends are talking to you.  Actually stopping to chat for a moment when you see a friend walk by.  From here, you’ll build great relationships with professors and friends, and your GPA will only go up!

5. Exercise and make some YOU time
Coming into school feeling and looking fit from your summer excursions doesn’t have to go away once you get into your daily routine at the Heights.  Make a time before or after class to work out or watch your favorite TV show.  Taking a yoga class in the city is a great way to unwind, get out of the bubble, stretch, and revitalize.  Put down whatever is stressing you out for this moment to free up space for exactly who you want to be and how you want to live your life… the rest will follow!

Sticking to who you are and keeping your work ethic is important.  These simple tips will help you jump from the carefree nature of summer into the hustle and bustle of the school year.  So make some long-term goals, write them down, and each and every day, make little steps to make your dreams a reality!

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Katie Moran is a junior at Boston College, majoring in Communication. Originally from Seattle, she loves the East Coast but misses her rainy days and Starbucks coffees. On campus, Katie is involved with Sub Turri Yearbook, the Appalachia Volunteer Program, UGBC Women's Issues Team, Cura, and the Women's Resource Center Big Sister Program. She loves reading, watching "Friends," and exploring new places. She has a passion for creating and hopes to begin a career in marketing and advertising.