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Intern Interview: Discovering a Great Opportunity

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Meghan Gibbons had the chance to intern at The Grommet in Somerville, MA.  She had a fantastic experience and was able to interact and network with lots of different people while developing and utilizing her networking, research, and writing skills.  Check out her story!

Where did you intern?

I interned at The Grommet in Somerville. I was a Discover Team intern. The Grommet is a product launch platform that finds unique, undiscovered products and helps them succeed and get their story told.

What were your expectations going in to the internship?

Going into the internship I was not positive what exactly The Grommet was and I was not sure fully what I would be doing, but I knew I would be utilizing my networking, writing and research skills. I was able to improve all of these, as well as acquire many more, by curating the stories of many creators and their creations, searching for unique products and helping to keep the discovering schedule on track for when the products would be launched.

Were you able to interact with people in your field?

My direct supervisor was awesome and was there to help me with anything at any time. Plus I was able to interact with others at the company and really feel comfortable in such a creative environment with hard working people. The two founders of the company were also there on a daily basis, which really shows their dedication to their company; they were also super approachable and friendly.

I was one of about eight interns for the entire company and we got to get to know each other really well both in the office, on lunch breaks, commuting and hanging out after work.

What recommendation would you give to someone else who was considering applying to your internship?

Don’t be afraid to ask questions and propose creative ideas. The only bad ideas are ideas that go unheard. Also, make sure that you are always thinking: What is missing in the market? What sort of problem solvers do there not seem to be? What grabs your attention – anything from a Twitter post to a pin on Pinterest can be something unique and useful; it could be a grommet.

What was the highlight of your internship?

Too many to name, but I would have to say the weekly team meetings where I got to learn about all the areas of the company, what was going on, how financials work and people would give shout outs to others who did great work. It shows how a community of people that can work well and interact well together is able to do great things in the office.

Meghan immersed herself in The Grommet’s company culture and utilized a number of her skills. Her story demonstrates the importance of asking questions and being creative in the workplace!  


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Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum