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How to Survive 25 Days of Christmas WITHOUT ABC Family

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

If my life was perfect, I’d spend December 1st  – 25th  lounging on the couch, munching on cookies, and drinking hot chocolate while glued to the television from noon until midnight watching ABC Family’s 25 Days of Christmas.  Unfortunately, my life isn’t perfect – there are finals to study for, family members to shop for, and no oven in 90 to bake cookies in.  Oh yea, and to top it off Boston College doesn’t even broadcast the ABC Family Channel!  Until Boston College fixes this holiday atrocity (who knows how long that will take), here are some ideas to fulfill your holiday movie cravings!

1.     Deck the Halls

Before you start the movies, you obviously have to set the mood!  String up some lights and garlands, buy a mini Christmas tree, hang some mistletoe, cut out paper snowflakes for the window, pin up some stockings – whatever your heart desires!

2.      Get Your Roommate(s) in on it! 

The more movies, the better!  Talk to your roommates about bringing back all the holiday movies they own after Thanksgiving break.  You’d be surprised at the amount of holiday films there are out there – the supply is literally endless. 

3.     Check Netflix 

If you don’t own any holiday DVDs or have a DVD player in your room, Netflix is the way to go!  They have tons of holiday movies available to watch at any time – check out this website to see what’ll be available to watch! 

4.     Pick your Movie Nights

While December is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, it’s really the busiest…especially for us college students.  With the pressure of finals and Christmas shopping looming over our heads, it can be hard to find time to watch a movie and relax.  However, watching a movie can be the perfect thing to help you unwind and de-stress after a day of studying or shopping.  Try picking nights in the middle of the week or on your busiest days to watch a holiday movie with all your friends so you have something to look forward to after all your hard work is over!

5.       Don’t Forget the Snacks 

If you’re anything like me, you need something to munch on during a movie.  So, microwave that popcorn, pick up some Mike’s Pastries, or snag some goods from a dining hall bakery and get ready to unwind with your favorite Christmas movie.  More points to you if your snacks are holiday-themed (peppermint bark, I’m looking at you).  Even more points if you have access to a stove and bake your own holiday snacks!  Here’s an amazing Pinterest board with over 100 Christmas cookie ideas. 


It’s Christmas time – don’t let anything, even Boston College cable’s lack of ABC Family, ruin your holiday cheer!  Making your own 25 Days of Christmas with your friends is an amazing tradition to start, and a surefire way to keep your mind from going crazy over finals!


Boston College Class of 2016Communications and Political ScienceInterests include Legal Matter Management,  Matter Management
Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum