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How to Say Goodbye to Your Roommates for the Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


While it may seem like finals would be the hardest part of the school year at Boston College, returning BC collegiettes know that this is not the case.  The hardest part of the school year at BC is not taking finals or midterms, getting a mod, nor registering a Mudstock volleyball team.  No, the hardest part of any collegiette’s BC experience is saying goodbye to her best friends for the excruciatingly long summer.

Goodbyes are always difficult, but nothing compares with parting from your roommates, the people with whom you’ve become family.  I personally am already struggling with the fact that I’m going to be leaving my roommates very soon.  My sophomore year in an 8-man has been ideal!  And no, I’m not just saying that.  I somehow managed to spend my sophomore year with my seven soul mates.  I can’t imagine going home and not seeing their faces every day.  The realization that I am going abroad for a full year is also hitting me.  I’ve realized that there are two ways I can go about dealing with this sad fact: One, I can sink into depression and ruin my short time left at BC, or two, I can make the most of my time left.

Here is how to go about saying your goodbyes (or at least how my 8-man is doing it):

1. Make the most of your time left.  It sounds obvious, but in the midst of all the stress it’s hard to not get caught up the fast pace of life at BC.  Take a step back and remember why you love all of your friends.  Take extra time to just hang out and laugh with your friends, and relish in the little moments you have with each other.  Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, your time left at BC is precious. Soak up the sun with your friends and enjoy their company as well as our beautiful campus.

2. Make a toast to each other.  Maybe my friends and I are just cheesy, but take the time to tell each other why you love each other.  Lift up your glasses and toast to the best memories of your life.  A corny, on-the-spot speech really tells a lot about your friends.  It made me realize how hilarious, creative, and witty my roommates are.

3. Go on a picnic.  Again, perhaps we’re corny, but go into Boston for a picnic with your friends.  Grab a blanket and some sandwiches and enjoy the scenery at Boston Common.  Take some pictures to remember your last moments at BC this semester.

4. Embrace the pet peeves.  I know living in an 8-man, we all have those little things that drive us crazy about each other.  Someone filled the sink with dirty dishes, someone left a pile of her clothes sprawled across the common room, someone constantly burps, or someone’s makeup is all over the bathroom.  Perhaps these things frustrated us throughout the year, but when we’re home these are the little things that we’re going to be surprised that we miss.  Embrace it instead of hating it. So smile at the overflowing recycling bin!

5. Don’t let finals stress you out.  It’s pretty unfortunate that finals coincide with everyone moving out.  Don’t let your anxiety over studying for exams interfere with your ending relationships with your roommates.  Cherish the two minutes you see one of your roommates in a full study day!

6. When you do say goodbye, know that it isn’t really over.  Whether you are a sophomore getting ready to go abroad or a senior moving on to “real life” remember that your friendships are not ending just because you are going your separate ways.  If these are your best friends, they will always be your best friends.  So hug it out, cry it out, laugh it out, or whatever your goodbye consists of.  (Side Note: Just remember if you live near an RD, don’t cry too loud—I was once written up for crying too loud when saying goodbye during finals.)

Don’t let yourself get too depressed at home.


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Briana is a junior at Boston College studying abroad in Parma, Italy. She studies English and Italian. She loves books, clothes, and country music. Add her on twitter @brigalita !!
Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.