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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

How to Navigate Late Night

By Katherine Valentino

Back to school means something special, Late Night is back! Late Night is that magical time until 2 a.m. when you can indulge yourself with all your fried food fantasies.  We all agree that the walk from off campus to Lower or Mac makes up for the food we are about to eat.  With the commencement of late night, here are some tips, tricks, and tasty options to think about next time you wander into the caf after hours.

So Many Options, So Little Time (or Patience): It’s late, we’re hungry.  We want our food and we want it now.  Here are some delectable options available to feast on at late night.

  • One can go for the Late Night staples: mozz sticks and chicken fingers.  If you’re in Lower, you could also go for a steak or chicken cheese steak, with so many sauces to choose from you can mix it up whenever you head to late night. 
  • Breakfast for Late Night is another route you can take.  Cereal is a timeless classic or if you have the time and patience you can make a tasty waffle with whipped cream.
  • In a hurry?  Grab an on-the-go option like a PB&J
  • Dessert: a cookie is always the perfect end-of-the night treat.

Now that you have some options here are 4 rules you should follow 

  1. Most importantly, don’t forget your manners: Say please and thank you to the BC staff serving you that night.  Believe me, they notice when you don’t and appreciate it when you do.  Just because you’re drunk doesn’t mean your manners can go out the window. 
  2. Don’t buy everything in sight: Yes, we know that you are SOO hungry.  But you don’t have to get everything in sight.  An order of mozz sticks, maybe two, is sure to satisfy your hunger.  Just don’t overdo it, you can always go back and get more if you’re still hungry.
  3. Don’t talk about calories: It’s late, we are tired and hungry.  Now sit up, shut up, and eat your food.  No one wants to know how bad the food they are eating is for them.  At 2 a.m, all that we care about is that it tastes good.
  4. Late Night is a place to socialize as well:  Even if you aren’t hungry, think about stopping by Late Night to catch up with your friends and hear about everyone’s night.  Late Night is the perfect place to kick up your heels after a long night and socialize.

Last, but not least, here are some things you may not have known as well as some advice from upperclassmen:

  • Addie’s stays open until 9 p.m. during the week, but is not open on weekends
  • You can order a veggie burger at late night even though it is not listed
  • Despite what anyone says, there is not $200 in your tuition that accounts for stolen silverware, so don’t steal it
  • Sometimes Mac locks the doors by Stokes before 2 a.m., but Late Night is still going on, you just have to enter from the CoRo doors
  • You might want to mix it up a little, mozz sticks every Late Night is an easy way to gain the freshman 15, and yes it really does exist.
  • Late Night is only open until 12 a.m. at Stewart… sorry Newton
  • Don’t steal the cookies, just don’t do it.
  • Grab a bottle of PowerAde for the morning, you’ll thank yourself!

Just want to take this opportunity to welcome everyone back to another school year at BC!


Photo Sources:






Katherine ValentinoSenior in A&S English Major Minor in American Studies, concentration in journalism 
Meghan Gibbons is a double major in Communications and Political Science in her senior year at Boston College. Although originally from New Jersey, she is a huge fan of all Boston sports! Along with her at Boston College is her identical twin, who she always enjoys playing twin pranks with. Meghan is a huge foodie, book worm and beach bum