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Hey, It’s Okay… (BC Edition)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Hey girls, it’s okay…

“…to nearly weep with happiness when you spot that first determined daffodil sticking its head out of the ground.”
“…to tell your friend that her boyfriend is horrible, if he is.”
“…to eat lunch at 11:31, like a kindergartener.  String cheese, anyone?”

These are just some of my favorites from the March issue of Glamour magazine.  Glamour gives us a monthly reminder to readers everywhere that “Hey, it’s Okay” to not always be poised and perfect 24/7. 

After all, little quirks like these make you you!  When I read these, I often find myself thinking “I so do that!” or shouting into the phone “THAT’S SO YOU!” to my friends or sister.  The conversations always end in a fit of laughter.  Glamour’s “Hey, it’s OK!” column just points out that sometimes we all need to put our busy lifestyles on pause and take a minute to enjoy the simple things (and embarrassments) in life. 

Every now and then at BC I find myself reminding myself thinking, “Hey, it’s okay!” and so should you!  So… HEY HER CAMPUS BC READERS, It’s Okay…

  • To get a skim hot chocolate at the Chocolate Bar and finish your order with “Oh, and can I get extra whip on that?”

  • To walk around with your sunglasses on when it’s not so sunny out in Boston.  It’s called chic privacy…
  • To sleep in on a lazy Saturday and eat breakfast at lunchtime.  A girl needs her beauty sleep!

  • To embrace the third grader inside of you and decorate your room with cutout construction paper snowflakes for winter, hearts for Valentines Day, Shamrocks for St Patty’s Day, and flowers for spring.  If it makes you happy and spruces up the dorm a little bit, why not?

  • To get to class 5 minutes late because you were on line getting coffee at Hillside.  Face it – sometimes that boost of caffeine is a necessity!
  • To procrastinate from writing that paper due tomorrow and read Her Campus BC!

Kathryn Fox is a senior at Boston College, majoring in International Studies. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, she loves Boston but struggles with the cold weather! Kathryn is involved in teaching ESL classes, interning in BC's museum, and volunteering. She loves to travel and spent her junior year studying abroad in Morocco and South Africa. In her free time, Kathryn enjoys reading Jane Austen novels, baking, and watching trashy TV with her roommates. After graduation, she is returning to Oklahoma to work for Teach for America.