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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Spring has sprung.  Luckily for us, we never really had a real, full-blown winter this year, but the idea that spring is here is still reason to celebrate.  Spring means April showers, May flowers, sunshine, baseball, allergies, and a beautiful Boston College Heights.  Spring at BC is the best time of year.  Sure, fall is great and tailgates are fun, but there’s just something about the weather getting warmer, the skirts coming out, the people sun bathing all over the campus, and the switch to iced instead of hot coffee that makes spring the most beautiful, enjoyable, and exciting time of year.  And the spring at BC can be experienced differently than spring everywhere else!  So here are a few things to do at and around the Heights to get the most out of this spring that is gracing us with its presence nice and early.  We only get four of these beautiful spring seasons as BC students – three if you choose to go abroad during one of them – so use this one wisely. 

1.  Walk the reservoir – or run, or jog, or do what you have to do.  But grabbing a friend, a roommate, a boyfriend or girlfriend, or just going by yourself for a peaceful walk around the reservoir is a simple, free, spring activity not to be missed.  Make it even better: start on the BC side of the Res, walk around and head into Cleveland Circle and grab a fro-yo at Chill or a burrito at Boloco, then walk the rest of the way back.  It’s a perfect way to spend an afternoon or evening on a date, a catch-up session with a friend, or for some “me” time that we all need a little bit of every once in a while.

2.  Go to a baseball, softball, or lacrosse game – We all know about the football, hockey, and basketball teams at BC, but there are spring-sport athletes that shouldn’t be overlooked.  And what better way to spend a sunny afternoon than in Shea Stadium or over on Newton for a lacrosse game?  You can even bring a picnic and make a day/afternoon out of it.

3.  Have a Failgate – for those of us who were abroad in the fall, or for those of us who just love fun, throwing a fake tailgate in the spring is a perfect way to get through until next football season.  Plan it with your friends to wake up early, make (or go buy) breakfast, drink mimosas, and spend the morning and afternoon as if you’re eventually heading to a football game.  If there’s a baseball game that afternoon, you can always head there – or just make an entire Saturday out of it. 

4.  Go to the roof of St. Mary’s – find a Jesuit, get him to invite you over to St. Mary’s for lunch, raid the (not so) secret ice cream freezer, and spent some time up on the roof.  The view from the top is a beautiful look over the Heights, and on a good spring day, what’s prettier than that?

5.  Lay on the grass – if you’re me, you’ll want to roll down a hill somewhere.  But if you’re not quite that playful, find a sunny or shady spot and lay around with your friends, do some homework, or take a nap.  We may be missing the Dust Bowl, but there are plenty of green areas around here that are just asking for you to lay in them.  And as my Dad always says, the sun makes all things beautiful.  Soak up the spring rays before it gets too hot. 

6.  Grill in the Mods – Go to the grocery store, buy what you want to make, and head to the Mods (if you don’t already live there).  I guarantee you can find a group or two that are willing to cook for you or let you use their grill, as long as you’re sharing your food. 

7.  Wear a skirt – but I know you will.  Bring it on, skirt season! 

8.  Get Beans, Creams, and Dreams – just kidding. We all know that will never happen.

9.  Participate in Marathon Monday activities – one of the best parts about going to BC or any school in Boston (but especially BC) is that we get a Monday off from school to do nothing but watch a marathon run by campus.  People celebrate in all different ways, but no matter what you do or where you live, get up to the top of Heartbreak Hill on Patriot’s Day and bring your loudest screaming voice – you’ll need it.

10.  Bapst lawn at night – it might sound corny, but wait for a clear night and head to the Bapst lawn for some stargazing.  Take a quick study break to sit outside with someone you love, bring your journal and some music, or just sit quietly and appreciate where you are.  It’s the perfect place and the perfect surroundings for a beautiful moment.

Spring at Boston College is a beautiful thing.  Whether you’re a freshman and you’ve never experienced it before, or you’re a senior and you’re taking it in for the last time, do little things here on the Heights and all over Boston that make the most out of the nice weather, the newly blossomed trees, and even the rainy days. After a New England winter, we can all use a little fun in the sun, and I couldn’t think of a more beautiful place to have it.  

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Katie Moran is a junior at Boston College, majoring in Communication. Originally from Seattle, she loves the East Coast but misses her rainy days and Starbucks coffees. On campus, Katie is involved with Sub Turri Yearbook, the Appalachia Volunteer Program, UGBC Women's Issues Team, Cura, and the Women's Resource Center Big Sister Program. She loves reading, watching "Friends," and exploring new places. She has a passion for creating and hopes to begin a career in marketing and advertising.