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The HC BC Challenge: Make Conversation in the Elevator

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

The HC BC staff has come up with challenges not only for ourselves, but for all students at BC, making sure that we are on track to be bold, kind, and ambitious people.

How weird is it that we ride the elevator up and down almost every day with each other in shattering silence?  We ride it up to our rooms, up to the 4th floor of Maloney, and even occasionally utilize the parking garage elevators.  We’ve all avoided eye contact with that other person next to us sucking up the same delightful oxygen.  We’ve all pulled out our phones to hide behind and escape the awkward moment of engaging in conversation with a stranger. 

Newsflash: there’s no cell service in the elevator!  Furthermore, why do we do this to each other?  Would it be that terrible to meet someone new and have a 5 second or less conversation with a complete stranger?  I think not.  This week’s challenge: when you find yourself in an elevator with another person, don’t shy away!  Be kind and friendly, instead of awkwardly watching the numbers light up!  You never know what it might lead to.  Before you say this is a waste of your time, aren’t you spending that time in the elevator anyway?

Talk about the weather
It might be cliché small talk, but talking about the weather is a quick way to engage in a common conversation.  It’s not too intrusive and with Boston’s unpredictable weather patterns, it’s definitely a hot (or cold) topic.

Give a compliment
That is, only if you mean it.  If you like someone’s thrifty ensemble or if they just look really nice, tell them!  Who cares if it’s a stranger?  They will appreciate your upbeat attitude and perhaps they will be inspired to give another stranger a compliment later on in their day.  Don’t be the creep who posts on Like A Little as soon as you are in a Wifi zone.  Life is short, so if you have something to say, you should say it (because an elevator ride is pretty short too)!

Talk about where you’re headed
If you’re on the way up to the 3rd floor and the person next to you is going up to the 4th floor of your building, why not get to know them a little?  There are so many people living in one dorm that it’s nice to see a friendly face when you’re doing your laundry or you’re on the way out of the building.  If you’re in an academic building, ask another person what class he or she is going to.  It could lead to some great advice about classes and professors or just a pleasant conversation with a complete stranger.

Make someone’s day
By smiling!  You never know what someone has on his or her plate at any given moment.   Don’t judge, collegiettes™, just share the positive energy.  A glance or a simple “hello” gives another person a confidence boost and will make their day a little better.  If they’re dealing with some pretty heavy stuff, a smile will help lift their spirits and make them realize that they will get through whatever they are dealing with.

So, next time you’re in the elevator, remember that you’re not the only one with places to be and people to see.  You never know who you will meet or what you will gain by engaging in a true, genuine, and honest conversation. 

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Katie Moran is a junior at Boston College, majoring in Communication. Originally from Seattle, she loves the East Coast but misses her rainy days and Starbucks coffees. On campus, Katie is involved with Sub Turri Yearbook, the Appalachia Volunteer Program, UGBC Women's Issues Team, Cura, and the Women's Resource Center Big Sister Program. She loves reading, watching "Friends," and exploring new places. She has a passion for creating and hopes to begin a career in marketing and advertising.