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Halloween in the Dorms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Great news readers!   By the time you read this, October 15th will have just passed. And that means two great things here at BC!  Not only does that mean that midterm season is almost behind us, but it also means that holiday lights and decorations can finally go up in the dorms!   While the former is a bit more important than the latter, I think we can all agree that holiday lights and decorations add a warm, positive feeling to any dorm.

Many of you may wait until it gets closer to Christmas to decorate, but here at Her Campus, we are encouraging you to get into the holiday spirit by buying, or even creating, Halloween decorations!  Whether you’ll be decorating an apartment, mod, 8-man, quad, or traditional dorm, we’ve come up with a few suggestions to make your dorm Halloween ready!

If you have access to a car, Target is the obvious choice for all your Halloween needs.   Target has a variety of Halloween lights ranging from $8 – $16, and plenty of spooky props like giant black spiders, black cauldrons, bats, graves, and much more, all for a very reasonable price.   For those of us who don’t have a car, a quick trip to CVS in Brighton can also do the trick!  I found a wonderful set of lights, with a huge purple spider in the middle, at CVS. It was even on sale for just $10.35!

If you have an apartment of an 8-man, take advantage of the space and head down to CVS to get a 6-foot tall Grim Reaper, which is sure to be a hit at any Halloween party or pregame you throw! (And after Halloween is over, it could be used as a prank to scare any of your roomies!).

If you want to decorate and are looking to save cash for the upcoming Christmas season, there are a couple do-it-yourself crafts that will make your room look great:

1. Homemade Ghosts:

Materials– Paper towels, Blow Pops, Rubber or Hairbands, Black Marker, String

Place the center of the paper towel over the head of the lollipop.   Wrap a rubber band or hair band around the head of the lollipop to create the “head” of your ghost.   Draw the eyes and mouth of your ghost, and then hang them up around the room as you please! 

2. Halloween Cut Outs:

This suggestion has literally no cost (unless you or none of your friends have markers).   If you go to www.squidoo.com/halloweencoloring, the website has tons of links to cut outs of Halloween characters. All you have to do is pick your favorites, print them out, color and cut!

Finally, we all know a dorm isn’t Halloween ready without the best part of Halloween: a huge bowl of candy!   If you’re worried that having a gallon of candy will cause you to gorge on your favorite sweets, no need to fear, just take this little tip from my friends across the hall: they hung a picture of Valerie Waters, a fitness guru, right above their candy.   Now every time they reach for candy, they are confronted with the ultra fit Valerie, and they cap themselves at just one piece! 

So don’t wait to decorate until the Christmas season – get started early with Halloween!  If you and your roommates create a spook-tacular room, be sure to send Her Campus BC a picture! Happy Halloween!
http://www. target.com

Photo Sources:

Meghan Keefe is a senior associate on the integrated marketing team at Her Campus Media. While she was a student at Boston College, she was on the HC BC team and led as a Campus Correspondent for two semesters. After graduating and working for three years in public relations, she decided it was time to rejoin the Her Campus team. In her spare time, she enjoys exploring Boston and traveling - anything that gets her outside.