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The Golden Globes – A Comedy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.


The Golden Globes marked the beginning of the major awards season.  Because I am inhumanly obsessed with all things movie and television, I was seriously emotionally invested in these awards.  I have to admit, I didn’t have a single favorite actor in every category, and they all were absolutely amazing.

What I look forward to the most, though, are the sharp comedic turns that these shows tend to take.  When I heard that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler (oh yeah BC) were going to host the 70th Annual Golden Globe Awards, I knew that the show was going to be no less than outstanding.  Little did I know that the additions of other comedic geniuses such as Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell would make the show one to remember.

It all began with the famous opening monologue (which you can find here).  Here, Poehler and Fey were at their SNL prime, with their witty banter back and forth poking fun at the nominees.

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

“Ben’s first two movies took place in Boston, but he moved this one to Iran because he wanted to film somewhere that was friendlier to outsiders.” –Tina Fey

“Anne Hathaway, you gave a stunning performance in Les Miserables, I have not seen someone so totally alone and abandoned like that since you were on stage with James Franco at the Oscars.” –Tina Fey

“Meryl Streep is not here tonight, she has the flu, and I hear she is amazing in it.” –Amy Poehler

Amid the amazing acceptance speech of Anne Hathaway, the hilarity of Jennifer Lawrence, Adele’s unapologetic humor, and Lena Dunham’s humble manner, Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell stole the show with their preamble to the Best Actress award (found here).  And as for Tommy Lee Jones, seriously, take a joke.  Every single person in that room was screaming with laughter, and you seemed to maintain the same demeanor you portrayed in Lincoln – determinedly angry.  I just have one thing to say to you, “You get out of here!!”

As we said goodbye to the Golden Globes, our eyes turn eagerly to the Academy Awards.  The Oscars are the crème de la crème of awards shows, and I can’t wait to see the red carpet, the stars, but most importantly, the comedic entertainment.

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I am a Political Science major and Women's and Gender Studies minor at Boston College. I am an RA on campus and am involved in the Student Admissions Program. Since I am from Florida, I can legitimately say that I love long walks on the beach. I also love getting lost in a world fabricated by a novel, there is honestly nothing better. 
Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.