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Fashion Trends From Our Childhood That Should NEVER Resurface

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Looking back at my childhood, I now realize all of the absolutely awful fashion trends that dominated the early 2000’s. Needless to say, Limited Too was really looking out for us. The only thing worse than the trends themselves is the fact that I, and probably all of you, followed them. Below are a few of our cringe-worthy childhood fashion statements that should never make their way back into our wardrobes. But hey, if Lizzie McGuire rocked it then it had to be cool.

1.     Crimped Hair

2.     Newsboy Hats

3.     Pants that unzipped into shorts… and capris

4.     Long hairpieces in front of our faces

5.     Gauchos

6.     Jelly Bracelets

7.     Butterfly Clips

8.     Heelys

…ok fine Heelys were kind of awesome.













Mikaela Rice Sophomore in A&S Environmental Geoscience
Niloufar is a senior at Boston College, majoring in French and English.