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The “Fake Bakery” and Its Alternatives: How to Achieve a Healthy Glow!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Sandals, sundresses, and sunshine are some my favorite highlights of summertime.  Growing up in southern California, I never felt the pressure to “fake bake.”  However, when I came to BC, I found that many collegiettes™ go to tanning salons quite often to achieve that desired golden glow.  
These collegiettes™ find it disheartening when the warm weather comes after a long winter and their arms and legs are far from skirt or tank ready.  As a result, girls turn to tanning beds to achieve the look that American pop culture labels beautiful.
The conveniently located Campus Tan, right across from St. Ignatius, doesn’t help in discouraging BC students from providing lifelong harm to their bodies.  Here are a few reasons, however, why you should AVOID tanning beds.

1.  Skin Cancer

Women who use tanning beds more than once a month are 55 percent more likely to develop malignant melanoma.  Don’t be fooled though – even those who don’t use the beds that often are still increasing their risk of developing skin cancer.

2.  Wrinkles (Ewwww)

Too much sun exposure can lead to premature aging and wrinkles.  Do we really want to look like we’re 50 when we’re only 20 years old!?

3.  Eye Damage

Tanning beds produce up to 100 times the UV rays of natural sunlight.  This can cause burns to your cornea, and can cause cataracts.  

4.  Cost

You know those hard-earned dollars from lifeguarding and babysitting all summer?  Well, those are vanishing because of tanning salons.  Americans spend hundreds of dollars on tanning each year.   Save that money and buy a pair of nice sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays instead!

Don’t fret, colliegettes™!  There are some healthy alternatives.

1.  Natural sunlight!

This does not mean basking in the sun for hours at a time.  However, just 15 minutes out in the sun provides women with their daily dose of Vitamin D as well as a hint of gold!

2.  Airbrush tanning

You can go to the tanning salon to have this done.  Make sure you don’t overdo it, or you may end up looking like Snooki.

3.  Sunless lotions and sprays

Lotions and sprays are cheap ways to achieve that healthy glow.  You can buy these at any CVS or local drugstore.  The downside:  you could end up with very “attractive” streaks on your arms and legs.

The best thing to do this summer is to protect your skin!  Wear sunscreen and sunglasses when you’re outside and avoid tanning salons at all cost.  There’s even a new clothing line founded by BC alumni called Mott 50 that makes chic clothes that also protect you from UVA and UVB rays.
Any way you want to get that glow going, be sure to have a safe and relaxing summer! 


Melanie is a senior at Boston College. 
Kathryn Fox is a senior at Boston College, majoring in International Studies. Originally from Tulsa, Oklahoma, she loves Boston but struggles with the cold weather! Kathryn is involved in teaching ESL classes, interning in BC's museum, and volunteering. She loves to travel and spent her junior year studying abroad in Morocco and South Africa. In her free time, Kathryn enjoys reading Jane Austen novels, baking, and watching trashy TV with her roommates. After graduation, she is returning to Oklahoma to work for Teach for America.